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PNS_IF_IM0_FILTER_DATA_HAS_IM_DATA means, that the Modul module has his own I&M Data:

(The DAP has in data)


PNS_IF_IM0_FILTER_DATA_MODULE_REF means, that the I&M data of this Modul are the reference for all Submoduls submodules which belong to this modulmodule:

(All other submoduls submodules response with the I&M data from the DAP)


PNS_IF_IM0_FILTER_DATA_DEVICE_REF this is used only one time (on the DAP) and means, that all other Moduls modules and Submoduls submodules without own I&M data willrefer will refer to this modulmodule:

(All other soduls modules and submoduls submodules response with the I&M data from the DAP)


(Slot 2 has its own I&M data and will not response with the I&M data from the DAP)


(For the Modul not marked yellow only ptReadImRes->tData.tData.atIM0FilterData[0].ulFlags = PNS_IF_IM0_FILTER_DATA_HAS_IM_DATA; is necessary, because no submodulssubmodules)

More informations to I&M can be found on How to deal with I&M data? (Updated 2016-12-20)

5. Indication implementation

I&M0 is allways always read only read. In a PNS_IF_WRITE_IM_IND comes for I&M0, than this can not be correct. I&M0 has the value usIMRevisionCounter. This must be updatet as soon as I&M1 till 4 go written.

I&M1 till 4 is are read/write and need to be saved remanent on the application flash.

I&M5 is allwasy only readalways read only.

That means each write and read can come for a slot with a subslot and the application need needs to ckeck check if the combination of reaquested requested slot and subslot and sbuslot, write or read is really possbilepossible.

6. TIA Portal read I&M0