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The EtherNet/IP Adapter stack has implemented all required state machines firmware implements all CIP objects and services to build a an EtherNet/IP Adapter device . In order to pass the that can pass ODVA's (Open DeviceNet Vendor Asociation) conformance tests, conformance test. This also requires a correctly behaving host application is required in addition.
The stack on its own just provides services that need to be handled correctly by an application for certification and correct behaviour in the field, e. g. remanent storing of object parameters.


The stack can be configured via data base files (generated with Hilscher's database download or via mailox interface. For configuration using mailbox interface or Communication Studio) or via  the mailbox interface (refer to the corresponding API manual).
During connection establishment to an EtherNet/IP Scanner (Master) it is possible to pass configuration data to the application. Depending on the configuration data the application can reject the incoming connection.
