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LAYER_2 communication can be implemented equally with the CANopen slave firmware and / or the CANopen master firmware.

If only LAYER_2 communication is required, the start behavior of both firmware (master / slave) must be set to "Controlled by Application" in the configuration.

The master will then only send a CAN telegram with CAN ID 0x700 + NODE ID, which cannot be turned off either.

The slave does not send this telegram. only takes over a part of the configuration.

Everything else (configuration, sending and receiving of CAN telegrams) is done exclusively via the mailboxes of the CIFX card, i.e. with the driver functions xChannelPutPacket () and xChannelGetPacket ().


These are packages that are taken from the API Manuals protocol.

CANopen Master Protocol API: CANopen Master

CANopen Slave Protocol API: CANopen Slave

The baud rate is 1MBaud in both cases.
