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In this example the application shall handle I&M data on the application side. For that, it is necessary to change the configuration packet, to implement the "wirte Write I&M indication" , the "read Read I&M indication" and the "reset Reset to factory indication". For that, the application needs a possibility to save information remanent in a flash.

Example Sourcecode The extendedConfig example can be found in the Extended Config Example: netX 90 - PROFINET IO Device - extendedConfig V2.2.0.0

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2. Configuration Packet

In the configuration packet Knowledge Base on the following website:

netX 90:

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This can alternatively be found under: → Software → LFW Host Examples → Profinet IO-Device → netX 90 APP / netX 51 → PROFINET IO Device - extendedConfig Vx.x.x.x

The extendedConfig project can be opened by double-clicking the ".solproject" file. This requires the latest version of netXStudio (

2. PROFINET Sources

A GSDML file is required for this example. The GSDML file can be found in the netXStudio project in Project Explorer at:

netXxx_PNSVx_extendedConfig → Components → cifXApplicationDemoPNS → DeviceDescription → GSDML-V2.3x-HILSCHER-NETX xx-RE PNS-20xxxxxx.xml

The PacketHandler describes the acyclic packages and can be found in the Project Explorer under:

netXxx_PNSVx_extendedConfig → Components → cifXApplicationDemoPNS → Sources → AppPNS_DemoApplicationFunctions.c

The IO Data Handler describes the IO data that is exchanged between the application and the stack and can be found in the Project Explorer under:

    long SetModulConfig( void* pvPck )

The terminal handler uses the interface used by UART to display debug messages and is located in Project Explorer under:

netXxx_PNSVx_extendedConfig → Components → cifXApplicationDemo → Sources → App_TerminalHandler.c

The event handler shows the diagnoses and alarms, which can be found in the Project Explorer under:

netXxx_PNSVx_extendedConfig → Components → cifXApplicationDemo → Sources → App_EventHandler.c

3. Configuration packet

In the configuration packet, it is necessary to change the ptSetConfig→ulSystemFlags ptSetConfig → ulSystemFlags.

First step is to disable the flag PNS_IF_SYSTEM_STACK_HANDLE_I_M_ENABLED.

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The next step is the use of the same data in the configuration packet like in the I&M0 informationsFor Example you can create first information.

You can for example first create a structure of I&M0 and than then use it:ptSetConfig→ulVendorId

ptSetConfig → ulVendorId              = IM0.usManufacturerId;



→ usSwRevision1       = IM0.tSoftwareRevision.bX;



→ usSwRevision2       = IM0.tSoftwareRevision.bY;



→ usSwRevision3       = IM0.tSoftwareRevision.bZ;



→ bSwRevisionPrefix  = IM0.tSoftwareRevision.bPrefix;


4. Values from GSDML file

In the GSDML the device, the developer need needs to give the information , about which modul module has I&M data. Default in Below you see the default configuration in our PNS V5.1.0.4 is at the moment on device.

I&M is currently just configured for the DAP:

<VirtualSubmoduleItem ID="DIM 31" IM5_Supported="false" MayIssueProcessAlarm="false" SubmoduleIdentNumber="0x00003010" Writeable_IM_Records="1 2 3">

That means, I&M0 till 3 is supported to 3. I&M4 till and 5 are is not supported. Only the DAP Modul module has I&M Data.

It is possbile possible to use the Writeable_IM_Records="1 2 3 4" on a moduldifferent module. For example:

<VirtualSubmoduleItem ID="10byteinput" MayIssueProcessAlarm="false" SubmoduleIdentNumber="0x00000001" Writeable_IM_Records="1 2">

That means the DAP has now I&M0 till to 3 and the 10 Byte Input modul module has it own its dataset for I&M0 till to 2.

In this case the application need to implement the I, the I&M data handling , needs to be implemented in your application because the stack can only handle the default I&M data on the DAP.


5. Indications

Implement the packet handler Indications for


The stack does not know anything about the GSDML file. The stack needs first the information about supported I&M data. For that the stack sens  in startup theapplication needs to implement in PNS_IF_READ_IM_IND with the parameter PNS_IF_IM_TYPE_IM0FILTER. That means the stack wants to get from the application the information which Modul does support I&M dataWith IM0FILTER

the application can return which module and submodule has own I&M data.

To get this IM0FILTER request, it is necessary to send this from IO Controller. An easy way is to use the Testcase  IP_UDP_RPC_I&M_EPM testcase from ART Test Tool.

The application can response respond with some flags to this request.

For Example example, the stack as requests for Slot 0 and Subslot 1 (DAP):

Send Back:

ptReadImRes->tDataThe application sends back the response with these flags:


PNS_IF_IM0_FILTER_DATA_HAS_IM_DATA means, that the Modul module has his own I&M Data:

(The DAP has in data)

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PNS_IF_IM0_FILTER_DATA_MODULE_REF means, that the I&M data of this Modul module are the reference for all Submoduls submodules which belong to this modul:module:

(All other submodules respond with the I&M data from the DAP)

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PNS_IF_IM0_FILTER_DATA_DEVICE_REF this is only used only one time once (on the DAP) and means , that all other Moduls modules and Submoduls submodules without own I&M data willrefer will refer to this modul:module:

(All other modules and submodules respond with the I&M data from the DAP)

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That means GSDML with

DAP: <VirtualSubmoduleItem ID="DIM 31" IM5_Supported="false" MayIssueProcessAlarm="false" SubmoduleIdentNumber="0x00003010" Writeable_IM_Records="1 2 3">

For Slot 0 Subslot 1



module: <VirtualSubmoduleItem ID="10byteinput" MayIssueProcessAlarm="false" SubmoduleIdentNumber="0x00000001" Writeable_IM_Records="1 2">

For Slot 2 Subslot 1

      ptReadImRes->tData.tData.atIM0FilterData[0].ulFlags = PNS_IF_IM0_FILTER_DATA_HAS_IM_DATA | PNS_IF_IM0_FILTER_DATA_MODULE_REF;

(Slot 2 has its own I&M data and will not respond with the I&M data from the DAP)

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(For the Modul module which is not marked yellow, only

      ptReadImRes->tData.tData.atIM0FilterData[0].ulFlags = PNS_IF_IM0_FILTER_DATA_HAS_IM_DATA; 

is necessary , because there are no submodulssubmodules).

More informations information to I&M can be found on here: How to deal with I&M data? (Updated 2016-12-20)


6. Indication implementation

I&M0 is allways always read only read. In If a PNS_IF_WRITE_IM_IND comes for I&M0, than this can not cannot be correct. I&M0 has the value usIMRevisionCounter. This must be updatet updated as soon as I&M1 till 4 go - I&M4 are written.

I&M1 till 4 is - I&M4 are read/write and need to be saved remanent on the application flash.

I&M5 is allwasy only readalways read only.

That means each write and read can come for a slot with a subslot Subslot and the application need needs to ckeck check if the combination of reaquested requested slot and sbuslot, Subslot and write or read is really possbilepossible.

6. TIA Portal read I&M0