Features - NXDRV-WinAC


  • Based on the Hilscher CIFX RTX device driver
  • Support of Hilscher PCI, PCIe based netX hardware
  • Unlimited number of netX based devices supported

  • Hilscher Master and Slave fieldbus protocols are supported

  • Up to 4 communication channels per Hilscher device supported

  • Cyclic data (Input / Output) and acyclic data packets (SDOs) are supported

  • Configuration support by SYCON.net PDI XML

  • Conversion of input and output I/O data from and to TIA data representation via PDI XML file

  • Input / Output data block generation via SYCON.net XML to SCL code converter

  • 1:1 mapping of Input/Output data without a configuration XML file possible

  • I/O data update with hardware processed in background thread

  • Example program for TIA Portal V12 or later