Description - V2

Description - V2


The EtherNet/IP Adapter stack has implemented all required state machines and services to build a EtherNet/IP Adapter device. In order to pass the ODVA's (Open DeviceNet Vendor Asociation) conformance tests, a correctly behaving application is required in addition.
The stack on its own just provides services that need to be handled correctly by an application for certification and correct behaviour in the field, e. g. remanent storing of object parameters.


The stack offers a mailox interface for configuration. A basic configuration can be set using a Set Configuration packet first. Additional features can be activated by packets desrcibed in the corresponding API manual. During connection establishment to an EtherNet/IP Scanner (Master) it is possible to pass configuration data to the application. Depending on the configuration data the application can reject the incoming connection.

Implicit Messaging (Cyclic data)

The stack offers an interface to access the cyclic data as well as a packet based interface for configuration and acyclic services.
The cyclic data is either accessed using tripple buffers in case the application is running directly on netX chip or cyclic data is available in the dual-port memory (DPM) which can be accessed by a host application.

Explicit Messaging (Acyclic services)

Acyclic services to 'build in' CIP objects (CIP objects that belong to the dafault object set supported by the EtherNet/IP Adapter stack) are handled by the stack itself. If the application needs to store remanent paramters related to those object, this will be indicated by an appropriate indication packet.

In addition to the 'build-in' CIP objects other CIP objects or vendor specific objects can be registered at the stack, e.g. to support special CIP profiles. In that case all acyclic services need to be handled by the application.

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