What is the difference between netHOST and CIFX?

What is the difference between netHOST and CIFX?


What is the difference between netHOST and CIFX


The Hilscher netHOST Device is used to replace a CIFX Card, which requires a PCI or PCIE Slot.

It ts therefore ideal for the implementaton in networks or laptops.

A netHOST FB is a full-featured and autonomously operating Fieldbus master allowing industrial PCs and other embedded systems the control of Fieldbus networks over an ordinary LAN connection.

A simple TCP/IP based transport protocol transfers the services between the controlling unit and the device.

For device integration a DLL for Windows and a ‚C‘ source code for embedded solutions is provided.

In both cases the call interface (API) is identical to Hilschers PC cards. This makes a netHOST a „remotely controllable PC card for field installations“.

Nevertheless, there are some differences betweeen netHOST and CIFX Cards, that have to be considered.

Main differences

Different conditions that an Ethernet connection brings with it compared to the PCI interface should be considered. For example longer response times and missing real-time properties.

The behavior with regard to transmission and response times is not as reproducible as via the PCI bus. The cycle time of the application can also be subject to major fluctuations.

There should be no difference on the fieldbus side.