What to do if ENI import fails?
Holger Pfrommer
Heinz Hentsch
- I get an error message when I try to import and ENI file into netANALYZER Scope.
- The ENI file is imported without error but some of my process values are missing.
What can I do to see my process values?
There are various causes that can lead to a failure during ENI import. The most common problem is, that process data symbols are not defined in "Slave" section of ENI file. Sometimes only a mapped process data image is defined there.
Symbols itself are defined in the process image section of the ENI file, this section is not importable by the software because depending on engineering and master device a definite correlation between network frame and process image definition cannot be made.
You have always the possibility to configure variables manually. Once the variables are defined you may save the netANALYZER Scope project and reload it again, so manual work must only be done once.
For DO_1 this would look as follows:
All information that has to be entered in the netANALYZER Scope software can be found in the ENI secitons "Cyclic“ and "ProcessImage“.
You have to take care about the bit offsets and bit lengths. In most cases these are defined successively in the ENI file.