How to fix missing toolbar buttons?

How to fix missing toolbar buttons?


Sometimes after debugging, the netX Studio toolbar is missing the debug buttons. How to fix this?


Various issues have been reported about disappearing or inactive toolbar buttons. The issues occur in different situations and are difficult to trace. We hope to provide a reliable fix in upcoming versions of netX Studio. In the meantime, you may try the possible fixes below.

Known issues

Missing debug buttons from debug perspective

So far we are unable to reproduce this issue, but it is most likely related to a bug found in one of the PyDev plug-ins included with netX Studio.

=> The bug is fixed in V1.0910 so make sure you have the latest netX Studio version installed.

Missing build and start debugging buttons from development perspective

This may happen when an error occurs while netX Studio tries to switch between the development and debug perspectives,
e.g. when the device cable is disconnected and the debug session gets aborted.

=> Try switching between the development and debug perspectives manually or restarting netX Studio.

Inactive debug buttons

The debug toolbar buttons are associated with the Debug view. If the Debug view is closed,
then the debug buttons on the toolbar will be disabled and will look like the screenshot above.

=> Try resetting the window layout from Window > Perspective > Reset Perspective... or simply bring back
the Debug view by selecting Window > Show View > Debug from the main menu.

Possible fixes

1) Restart netX Studio

The first thing to try is to restart netX Studio. Instead of restarting, you can also try to switch between the development and debug perspectives manually as described below.

2) Switch between the netX Development and netX Debug perspectives manually

netX Studio switches automatically between the development and debug perspectives. In some cases the automatic switching might break, leaving netX Studio in a state where toolbar buttons and menu items are missing. In this case it might help to switch between the perspectives manually:

  1. If there is an active debug session, stop debugging to return back to the development perspective
  2. Switch back and forth between the perspectives from the Window > Perspective menu:

If the missing buttons do not appear, and restarting netX Studio does not help, you may try to reset the current perspective or the entire netX Studio window layout as described below.

3) Reset the current perspective from Window > Reset Layout

Resetting the current perspective should reset all toolbar buttons and views to their default:

4) Reset the entire netX Studio window layout to its default

To reset the entire netX Studio window layout to its default, download and run the batch script: netxstudio_reset_window_layout.bat

The script deletes the workbench.xmi file which stores the current state of all toolbar buttons and views.

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