All FAQs
- A part of a string variable shall be assigned to another variable, how does it work?
- Are there keywords that are not allowed to be used as names?
- Are there statements to the performance of individual commands?
- Can netSCRIPT respectively Lua be tested under Windows?
- Do there exist constants known from "C" based coding?
- Do variables need a data type?
- Do you need to pass ALL parameters of a function always?
- From scratch: do I use SYCON.net or netSCRIPT debugger to create my script file?
- How are variables internally managed?
- How can a variable be created?
- How can I debug a netSCRIPT file running on a target?
- How can I declare special characters in a string?
- How can I undefine a variable and free resources?
- How can variables of the type string be merged together?
- How can you avoid that the whole script code is executed?
- How can you return from a function before its end?
- How do I get the length of a string?
- How is a "local" variable distinguished from a "global" variable?
- How to behave in case of fatal errors not allowing to continue operation?
- How to convert a string to a numeric value?
- If variables are defined in SYCON.net and the netSCRIPT debugger is used afterwards are these variables still accessible?
- In the configuration tool SYCON.net exists the possibility to define variables outside the script, how can I access to those variables in my script?
- In which order to use SYCON.net and netSCRIPT debugger with a scripting file for downloading?
- Is a chained if-elseif conditional check proceeding all checks always independent if one check is true?
- Is a script downloaded via netSCRIPT debugger saved persistent in the target platform?
- Is it possible to program a script exceeding the preconfigured cycle time of the script?
- Is netSCRIPT respective Lua case-sensitive when a variable is defined?
- Is there an additional custom timer available for programming?
- Is there a possibility to program a kind of "state machine" via functions?
- Is the script always executed periodically?
- May a function return multiple return values?
- Some netSCRIPT specific functions return back errors in the variable lasterror, is a check necessary?
- What is the best text editor for netSCRIPT files under Windows?
- What shall be programmed in the scripts "initialization" phase?
- Where are "constants" defined?
- Where in the script are functions defined?
- Where is the script cycle time configured?
- Which differences between netSCRIPT and „C" are most noticeable?
- Which priority does netSCRIPT have in relation to the rest of the target software components?
- Why do there exist two utilities (SYCON.net and netSCRIPT Debugger) to load a script?