DPM Interrupts

DPM Interrupts


Which interrupt signals are related to DPM activity?


External DPM Interrupts

netX 90 features 2 external interrupt signals for all DPM channels: Signals DIRQ and SIRQ. Since SIRQ is unused in current Hilscher LFWs, there is actually only 1 interrrupt signal related to the DPM activity


The DIRQ signal (depending on the used host interface parallel or serial) is triggered and reset automatically by DPM access

netX Firmware writes handshake flags: DIRQ activated
Host read handshake flags: DIRQ deactivated
The polarity of the DIRQ signal (high/low active) can be configured in the DPM hardware configuration. Details can be found inside the register description of register dpm0_com.dpm_io_cfg_misc. The signal can be enabled via the register bit dpm0_com.dpm_pio_cfg1.sel_dirq_pio.

Note 2021 July 1.: netXStudio supports for the serial DPM only the mode push / pull and active low. This limitation will be removed inside a future version of netXStudio.


currently not used by Hilscher LFWs (loadable firmwares)

Internal DPM Interrupts

The granularity of interrupts for the internal DPM is higher than for the external DPM.

Each handshake register, i.e. each DPM channel, features its own interrupt.


IRQNameDPM channel mapping

32hsc0_IRQnhandshake cell 0System Channel
33hsc1_IRQnhandshake cell 1Sync-Hanshake Flags
34hsc2_IRQnhandshake cell 2Communication Channel 0
35hsc3_IRQnhandshake cell 3Communication Channel 1
36hsc4_IRQnhandshake cell 4Communication Channel 2
37hsc5_IRQnhandshake cell 5
38hsc6_IRQnhandshake cell 6
39hsc7_IRQnhandshake cell 7
40hsc8to15_IRQnhandshake cell 8..15
