Failed to start OpenOCD

Failed to start OpenOCD

Q (A Generic Error)

OpenOCD shows an error. Those errors are often cryptic and it is not possible to derive a solution out of the message. This page collects the possible issues behind.

A (Application Core not Running)

The most common issue of OpenOCD error messages originates from the fact, that the application core is not started. The text visible in the OpenOCD console is as follows:

Info : netx90.app: hardware has 0 breakpoints, 0 watchpoints
Info : netx90.comm: hardware has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints


Info : netx90.app: hardware has 0 breakpoints, 0 watchpoints
Error: timed out while waiting for target halted

The issue, that the application core seems to have 0 breakpoints arises from the fact, that it is was not provided with a core clock signal.


  1. Console mode or Alternative Boot Mode is active. The dip switches S400.5 and S400.6 should be in OFF position.
  2. The device has to be flashed properly with a set of binary images that match together. Usually the device has to have the following images flashed.
    The HWC has an option under General Configuration where one is able to enable and disable the Application Core.
    The DC19XX and DC18XX chips need different HWCs.
    Optional device files are MWC, MXI, NXE, NAE

A (Device not reachable)

S701.1 Should be in the correct position. In OFF for JTAG via FTDI to USB or in ON for the MIPI20 Connector.

Error: Invalid ACK (7) in DAP response
Error: Could not initialize the debug port
Error: An error occurred while setting up the scan chain
shutdown command invoked

JTAG connection can be checked via the Flasher tool of netX Studio. If the interface name romloader_jtag_netX90_COM@HXHX_90-JTAG is visible, the board is available.

If there is something readable wit (*MPW*) please contact hilscher support immediately.

A (Reset not working)

The debugger output contains the following line:

Failed to run the reset code: -4

This indicates that the reset is not working.

Please review your wiring following this FAQ: JTAG connectors and signals

A (No Binary or *.elf available)

Error in final launch sequence

Error in final launch sequence
Failed to execute MI command:
load "C:\\Users\\YourName\\Desktop\\V2 Project\\netXStudio_PNSV5_simpleConfig\\build\\debug\\Targets\\netx90_sdram.elf"

Error message from debugger back end:
Load failed
Load failed

Info : accepting 'gdb' connection on tcp/3333
Error: Failed to write memory at 0x10000004
Error: Failed to write memory at 0x10000204
Info : dropped 'gdb' connection

Solution: Build the project first.

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