FOC QEI + Hall demo

FOC QEI + Hall demo

FOC example with the following predefined configuration:

  • Stall detection

  • QEI + Hall sensor

  • Hall sensor calibration

  • Speed range up to 9000 rpm

Follow the instructions on how to interconnect the servomotor:

Program following three binaries using the flasher tool:

The firmware files were built using the netX Studio CDT project FOC Example V1.0.0.1.zip

Press reset and change speed using the potentiometer after calibration is finished:

As shown, connected to the NXHX 90-MC board is the motor EC-i 30 Ø30 mm with Hall sensors and ENC 16 EASY encoder from Maxon.

To change speed using the potentiometer, __USE_DEMO_POTENTIOMETER should be defined in wscript under Targets.

foc_config_defines = [ "__FOC_CYCLE_TIME_MS = 1", "__USE_DEMO_POTENTIOMETER = 1", ]

Quadrature Decoder (MENC) Hardware Configuration: