Hardware Preparation
Table of Contents:
Hardware Preparation
The Development Kit from Hilscher for netMOTION demonstrates the design of a speed-controlled closed-loop motor control application synchronized over a real-time Ethernet industrial communication protocol. The kit consists of complementary hardware, software, and tool components, including a guideline on How to get started with netMOTION.
NXHX 90-MC Board Setup
The user manual, including schematics and layout files of the board, is available for download at NXHX 90-MC. Furthermore, how to interconnect a 3-phase servomotor is explained in more detail at Board application setup PMSM and Cable connections between motors and NXHX-DH connector.
NXHX 90-MC Board Hardware Configuration
The hardware configuration can be manually created, based on the customer requirements, using the netX Studio CDT. Otherwise - the example project/hardware configuration provided below can be used.
netX Studio CDT example projects (contains the code for the Firmware that runs on the App Core of NXHX 90-MC board).
Hardware configuration (xml file that can be compiled with netX Studio CDT, ready to be downloaded to the board hwc and mwc files);
PROFINET IO-Device Firmware (runs on the COM Core of NXHX 90-MC):
V4.1.0.0 of this Application example is developed and tested with V5.5.0.5.
Device Description file:
GSDML for Application Class 1 and 4 (supports Standard Telegrams 1, 2 and 3; to be used with V4.1.0.0 of this example).
The example provides the possibility to drive two types of PMSM motors (via pre-defined configuration parameters set in compile time):
Please note that the datasheets of both motors can be downloaded from the section Hardware Components.
Any other type of motor needs a user configuration, guided by the example configurations, provided for two example motors, in the APP Core Firmware.