netFIELD Cloud - Central management of devices and container-based IoT intelligence


netFIELD Cloud is an offering made to manage device fleets and their software over a central entity.

Each netFIELD Cloud entity is split in the two sub-entities netFIELD Portal and netFIELD Platform. netFIELD Portal is the frontend where a user can access, control, monitor and manage devices and their software in container format. The netFIELD Platform wheras is the entity's backend or better said the backbone and is an API call interface to execute the very same management tasks but from computer programs or through third party tools automated.

Hilscher hosts a netFIELD Cloud instance on the Internet to offer customers the management of netFIELD enabled devices. Its portal frontend is available under and the platform backend unter Using the netFIELD Cloud infrastructure requires to submit a subscription plan. For different use-cases different subscription plans are offered.

netFIELD Cloud subscriptions
Subscription namenetFIELD Cloud StarternetFIELD Cloud EssentialnetFIELD Cloud BusinessnetFIELD Cloud Enterprise
Part number1917.1511917.1011917.1111917.121

www.netfield.ioOwn URL
Entiry backendapi.netfield.ioapi.netfield.ioapi.netfield.ioOwn URL
Further information

Get started with implementing your Industrial IoT application.

Onboard up to 20 edge devices in a single organization. 

Grow your Industrial IoT deployment to up to 150 managed edge devices in a single organization. 

Scale your Industrial IoT setup to a hierarchical organization structure and unlimited edge devices. 

Subscription with an individual instantiation of front and backend as copy-exact with multi-tenant capability on any URL of customers choice. 100% private use. 


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