Changelog - netFIELD Cloud

Changelog - netFIELD Cloud






Single Sign On (SSO) supports permission claims from Active Directory


Webhook notifications now include the name of the webhook


Display Container status during the updating process


New subscription type “netFIELD Cloud Starter” available


Data Service supports bidirectional MQTT communication


Data Service supports “mqtts://” protocol (previously only “wss://”)


Improved container log viewer


Users can define custom container categories


Added a hint for system container versions lower than the default version


Users can now control the versions of system containers (Edge Agent and Edge Hub)


Direct Methods on system containers can be executed via fleet jobs


System containers can be updated via fleet jobs


Device overview page has been redesigned: detailed information has been moved to separate tabs


netFIELD App Platform Connector has been updated to version 2.1.0

  • Redesigned container dashboard

  • App settings can be modified via the cloud

  • MQTT topic scan can be started from cloud dashboard

  • Display MQTT connectivity status in netfield.io

  • Configurable downstream of MQTT data from cloud to edge gateway

  • Supports devices running netFIELD OS Extension for Linux

  • Standalone mode – runs without local Device Manager

  • Automatically reconnects to IoT Hub

  • Implemented missing Direct Methods to match the REST API

  • Fixed vulnerability issues

  • Fixed Data Service auto reconnection

  • Fixed wrong container status displayed after restart


netFIELD App Edge Monitor has been updated to version 1.4.0

  • App settings can be modified via the cloud

  • Added support for Direct Methods

  • Alarm notifications can be sent as MQTT messages

  • Display MQTT connection status in the local container frontend

  • Supports devices with netFIELD OS Extension for Linux

  • Standalone mode – runs without local Device Manager

  • Fixed vulnerability issues

  • Fixed issue where Edge Monitoring Data was not displayed for Virtual Machines


netFIELD Remote Proxy has been updated to version

  • Enable users to search for devices by name


New users can self-register for a temporary trial mode of 6 weeks. The trial mode will be immediately available upon registration.


Customers with netFIELD Essential account or trial account can send a request to upgrade their plan to netFIELD Business


Two-factor authentication: netFIELD Cloud allows customers to enable two-factor authentication for login to netfield.io


IP address restrictions: Users can specify in their user profile to block specific IP addresses for their account.


User session management: Users can view a list of their active user sessions in their profile and terminate active sessions.


Time scheduled fleet jobs and recurring jobs: netFIELD Cloud now supports scheduling of one-time fleet jobs and recurring fleet jobs. With this feature, you can execute your updates and maintenance jobs at planned maintenance windows, e.g. during planned breaks or at night.


There is a new bulk mode for container installations and updates. The user may select multiple containers to be deployed.


Free disk space and free memory of an edge device are displayed in the Containers view in Device Manager, if netFIELD App Edge Monitor is running on that device.
(requires netFIELD App Edge Monitor 1.3.0 or higher)


Advanced resource monitoring and alerting with netFIELD App Edge Monitor: you can define and receive alerts based on monitoring metrics from connected edge devices. For instance, you can get notified if CPU or memory utilization exceeds your defined threshold limits on an edge device. With proactive monitoring and alerting, the netFIELD Cloud will inform you when there is a problem with any of your edge devices.
(requires netFIELD App Edge Monitor 1.3.0 or higher)


Remote Control can be enabled via Deployment Manifest


Container sharing functionality allows to share a specific version


App icons on the home screen can be rearranged by drag & drop.


Dark theme is now supported


Users are able to deploy containers directly from Container Manager on devices


Remote management of system containers (EdgeAgent and EdgeHub) has been improved: environment variables can modified, the containers can be restarted, and the user may view logs in the netFIELD Cloud Portal.


New data service to stream data from device to the cloud by using standard MQTT protocol (requires netFIELD App Platfrom Connector 2.0.0 or higher)

Note: The old streaming functionality over WebSocket is deprecated and will be removed with the next major release


The user can pass dynamic values like serialNumber, name, etc. when using webhook


Dashboard Manager supports additional chart types, e.g. Image View, Table View, Label With Value, Pie Chart, and many more.


Dashboard Manager - An indication that data sources are missing has been added


Remote Control Traffic is now a part of the metrics data


netFIELD Remote Proxy has been updated to

·      New features

o   Support netfield.io Workspaces feature

o   Support netFIELD two factor authentication

·      Fixed

o   Remote Control doesn't work with the new remote control server


netFIELD App Platform Connector has been updated to 2.0.0

·      New features

o   Integrate MQTT Scanner in subscription page

o   Allow docker container to connect to user-defined network (Only used from the cloud)

o   Support MQTT upstream protocol for netFIELD.io Data Service

·      Changed

o   UI design has been improved

o   Better user input validation

·      Fixed

o   MQTT SDK issue


netFIELD App Edge Monitor has been updated to 1.3.0

·      New features

o   Scheduler for monitoring device resources (CPU, Memory, Disk etc.)

o   Send device telemetry notification to cloud when user-defined thresholds are exceeded

·      Changed

o   UI has been improved

·      Fixed

o   Backend do not send value for MQTT disconnection message correctly


External SSO - Azure Active Directory SSO integration OAuth2.0 (only for enterprise customer)


Add new Permissions to allow create public containers by other users then the instance admin


New remote Control instance uses JWT for authorization


·         Multi-manifest (Reworked Deployment Manifest Breaking changes!)

Ø  Multiple manifests per organization is now possible and the users are able to choose which one is active/default.

Ø  New endpoints/ Updated endpoints:

o   POST        /organisations/{organisationId}/deployment-manifests  - Create deployment manifest          payload

o   PUT           /organisations/{organisationId}/deployment-manifests/{manifestId}    - Update or set default deployment manifest by id

o   DELETE    /organisations/{organisationId}/deployment-manifests{manifestId} - Delete deployment manifest (Notes: default manifest cannot be deleted)

o   GET           /organisations/{organisationId}/deployment-manifests - Get all manifests for the organization

·         GET          /organisations/{organisationId}/deployment-manifests{manifestId} - Get Single deployment manifest


·         Device Grouping in Fleet Management

Ø  The user can choose between device filters or device groups when executing a fleet job.

Ø  New endpoints/ Updated endpoints:

o   GET           /groups           - Get information about all groups by organisationId, with option to select group type (devices/containers)

o   POST      /deployments/job/{jobId}/execute/group/{groupId} - Apply deployment configuration for a group of devices


·         Fleet Management

o   Fleet management supports OS update now (Required netFIELD Platform Connector)


·         Announcement

Ø  This feature's primary use case is to inform users about upcoming server maintenance and other system critical events.

Ø  New endpoints/ Updated endpoints:

o   GET /announcements - Returns unread announcements

Ø  PUT /announcements/{announcementId} - Mark announcement as read


o   Webhooks has been extended to trigger when device is connected or disconnected


·         New API method to get the API Version and further information

Ø  New endpoints/ Updated endpoints:

·         GET /info -> Get Information About the API Version, name etc.


·         Container environment Variables accepts not only description, but also type and options, min, max and optional default values

Ø  netFIELD.io UI render the environment variables for container automatically by deploying it to the device

Ø  Example Payload:


“key”: "_Log_LEVEL",

"value": "information",

"description": "Log level description",

"dataType": "stringEnum", //stringEnum, number, string, boolean

"enumValues": ["Warning", "Information", "Error"], // Optional if dataType != stringEnum

"numberMin"?: 1, // Optional

"NumberMax"?: 5, // Optional

"default"?: "Information" // Optional

o   }


·         New App Geolocation Manager

Ø  Display your devices from your organisation on a map

Ø  Device status (online/offline) is displayed as a pin on the map

Ø  Navigate from the map to device overview

Ø  In device overview you can set your device location; default is “not set”

Ø  In the device overview the location is also displayed on the map if set

Ø  New endpoint:

GET /devices/geolocation - Get all devices with geolocation for a given organisation


·         New App Dashboard Manager

o   Visualize your provided e.g. sensor data by the platform connector in configurable layouts and widgets


Ø  Users can now send bug reports directly from the netfield.io portal


·         New App Workspace Manager (Multi-workspace per user)

Ø  It is possible to invite user to different workspaces (organisation)

Ø  When the user is in multi workspace, the user is asked to which workspace he wants to log in.

Ø  The user can switch between different workspaces after log in.

Ø  The user can have different roles/permissions for each workspace.

Ø  Note: FOR SECURITY REASONS invite user only works with registered users.

Ø  New endpoint:

o   GET /users/invite - Get all user invitations by organisation id

o   POST /users/invite - Send invitation email

o   PUT /users/invite - Accept/decline invitation email

·         DELETE /v1/users​/invite​/{invitationId} - Expel user from invitation process


o   The user can now search for a key in the key manager by "name", "owner" (organisation and user), "category", "updatedAt" and "expiresAt"


·         Metering

Ø  Metrics API provides endpoints for metrics of resources

Ø  A visualization of the current usage has been implemented

Ø  The user has also the possibility to create own queries for its use case

Ø  New endpoints:

Ø  GET /v1/metrics/queries Get organisation's queries

Ø  GET /v1/metrics/execute/{queryId} Execute saved query

Ø  GET /v1/metrics/queries/{queryId} Get organisation's query by id

Ø  DELETE /v1/metrics/queries/{queryId} Delete query by id

Ø  GET /v1/metrics/request-data/{requestId} Get request details by request id

Ø  POST /v1/metrics Create query

Ø  POST /v1/metrics/execute Execute query

·         PUT /v1/metrics/{queryId} Update query


·         Open Industry 4.0 Alliance App Store integration

Ø  The Hawkbit interface for app containers has been extended to support container subscriptions.


·         Container Sharing

·         Container Sharing functionality has been improved. The user has now the possibility to control how often the container can be deployed.


·         Container Manager

·         "Links" are highlighted in descriptions and release notes fields


New API endpoints to a bulk of containers on the device

·         POST ​/v1​/devices​/{deviceId}​/containers -> Installs (deploy) list of containers to a device. Every container specified in the database has a set of properties. Some or all can be overridden via body attributes

·         PUT ​/v1​/devices​/{deviceId}​/containers ->  Update (redeploy) list of device containers. Every container specified in the database has a set of properties. Some or all can be overridden via body attributes

·         DELETE ​/v1​/devices​/{deviceId}​/containers -> Uninstall (delete) all containers from device


·         netFIELD Extension Linux

o   Device running a Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian or Yocto projects based ones can be extended with the required services to connect to netFIELD Cloud for application deployment and remote access.


New UI Framwork for better UX.


Fleet Device Management. Three new Apps has been added

·         Fleet Filters: This App allows the user to filter devices by adding a logical condition. The filter can be stored and used later for creating jobs.

·         Fleet Jobs: This App allows the user to create/run a fleet jobs. The User can create jobs to install/delete/update containers or to run direct methods.

·         Fleet Rollouts: This App allows the user to monitor and rollback a rollout.

·         The following routes has been added

·         Filters:

o   GET ​/v1​/deployments​/filters -> Get a list of all filters

o   POST ​/v1​/deployments​/filters -> Create deployment filter

o   GET ​/v1​/deployments​/filters​/{filterId} -> Get single deployment filter

o   PUT ​/v1​/deployments​/filters​/{filterId} -> Update deployment filter

o   DELETE ​/v1​/deployments​/filters​/{filterId} -> Delete deployment filter by id

o   GET ​/v1​/deployments​/filters​/{filterId}​/devices -> Get deployment filter target devices

o   POST ​/v1​/deployments​/filters​/test -> Test deployment filter by filterId or filter condition

·         Jobs:

o   GET /v1​/deployments​/jobs -> Get a list of all deployment jobs

o   POST ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs-> Create a deployment job with lists of containers and routes

o   GET ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId} -> Get deployment job by id

o   PUT ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId} -> Update deployment job by id

o   DELETE ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId} -> Delete deployment job by id

o   GET ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/routes -> Get deployment job routes by job id

o   POST ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/routes -> Add route to a deployment job document

o   GET ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/containers -> Get a list of all added containers into deployment job

o   GET ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/containers​/{containerId} -> Get single deployment job container by id

o   POST /v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/containers​/{containerId} -> Add a container to the deployment job document

o   PUT ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/containers​/{containerId} -> Update single container inside the deployment job document

o   DELETE ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/containers​/{containerId} -> Delete single container from deployment job document by id

o   GET ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/routes​/{routeId} -> Get single deployment job route by jobId and routeId

o   PUT ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/routes​/{routeId} -> Update a route inside a deployment job document

o   DELETE ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/routes​/{routeId} -> Delete a route from a deployment job document

o   GET ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/containers​/{containerId}​/methods -> Get direct methods by containerId

o   POST ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/containers​/{containerId}​/methods -> Add direct method to a container into deployment job document

o   GET ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/containers​/{containerId}​/methods​/{methodId} -> Get single direct method by methodId

o   PUT ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/containers​/{containerId}​/methods​/{methodId} -> Update direct method into deployment job document

o   DELETE ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/containers​/{containerId}​/methods​/{methodId} -> Delete direct method from container into deployment job document

o   POST ​/v1​/deployments​/jobs​/{jobId}​/execute​/{filterId} -> Apply deployment configuration into IOT HUB

·         Rollouts:

o   GET ​/v1​/deployments​/rollouts -> Get a list of all rollouts for given job

o   GET ​/v1​/deployments​/rollouts​/{rolloutId} -> Get single deployment rollout

o   GET ​/v1​/deployments​/rollouts​/{rolloutId}​/rollbacks​/{deviceId} -> Get device rollbacks items

o   PUT ​/v1​/deployments​/rollouts​/{rolloutId}​/rollback -> Rollback deployment job by rolloutId

o   PUT ​/v1​/deployments​/rollouts​/{rolloutId}​/pause -> Pause execution of deployment job by rolloutId

PUT ​/v1​/deployments​/rollouts​/{rolloutId}​/start -> Start execution of deployment job by rolloutId


OI4 Alliance Community App Store integration

·         Hawkbit compatible interfaces for softwaremodules has been implemented

·         The following routes has been added:

o   GET ​/rest​/v1​/softwaremodules​/{softwareModuleId} -> Get a single software module

o   GET ​/rest​/v1​/softwaremodules​/{softwareModuleId}​/artifacts​/{artifactId} -> Retrieve software module artifact

o   GET ​/rest​/v1​/softwaremodules​/{softwareModuleId}​/artifacts​/{artifactId}​/download -> Download software module artifact file

o   POST ​/rest​/v1​/softwaremodules -> Create software modules

POST ​/rest​/v1​/softwaremodules​/{softwareModuleId}​/artifacts -> Create software module artifact


Sorting by name has been added to organisation explorer


'Company name' has been added as a field in the account registration


The user has now the possibility to Enable/disable containers.


Device Explorer has been improved, the user can select the page item count.


Download Container logs is now possible


New icon/button has been added in the organization explorer to navigate back to user organization.


Edge Monitor Charts has been updated.


By moving the device to another organization the user can check userManifest so that the device gets the manifest from the target organization


The user has the possibility to add additional links and their description to a netFIELD OS.


Refresh Button for available and installed Containers has been added.


Container Version has been added to the container search results.


A global progress bar has been added for the whole app


Select/show container version details has been improved.


Select permission by creating/updating a role has been improved.


Device and organization explorer as well as device navigation are resizable


Deployement manifest has been improved:

·         Parent organizations can decide whether their children should be able to inherit their deployment manifest.

·         The user is able to apply the organizations deployment manifest even after the device has already been onboarded.

·         The following routes has been added

o   Copy the deployment manifest of the current organization to be like its parent orga.

PUT /organisations/{organisationId}/deployment-manifests/{deviceId}/apply


New functionality to Remove/uninstall all containers from the device


Container versioning feature allows users to create and support multiple version of one or more containers, without creating containers for each architecture or release.

·         The following routes has been updated

o   POST /containers

o   PUT /containers/{containerId}

o   DELETE /containers/{containerId}

o   GET /containers/{containerId}

o   GET /containers

o   PUT /containers/{containerId}/share

o   DELETE /containers/{containerId}/share/{organisationId}

·         Additional routes has been added

o   POST /containers/{containerId}/versions

o   DELETE /containers/{containerId}/versions/{versionId}

PUT /containers/{containerId}/versions/{versionId}


Multi Container Deployment

·         deploy and manage multiple instances of the same docker container on a device

·         Every time we want to deploy container, a new unique "_id" in the "installedContainers" field has been assignd, and the "ref_id" will hold reference to the "_id" from Containers collection (containers store).

o   Containers must not have same exposed ports set in the "containerCreateOptions" field.

o   The backend will get an error if two containers use the same port.

o   the names of the other container instance will be prefixed with the "_id" (Example: Mosquitto → Mosquitto-123e4567)

·         The following routes has been updated

Ø  POST  /devices/{deviceId}/containers/{containerId}

Ø  PUT  /devices/{deviceId}/containers/{containerId}

Ø  GET  /devices/{deviceId}/containers/deployable


Device Twin Support

·         POST /devices

o   If the user provides a "desiredProperties" object in the request payload, this object will be saved to the desired properties of the device twin

o   additional attribute "desiredProperties" in the request

o   has to be a valid JSON object with arbitrary content ( -> no content validation beyond verifying that the provided value is valid JSON)

o   attribute is not required, additional attribute "desiredProperties" in the response attribute is either missing or contains a valid JSON object with arbitrary content

·         PUT /devices/{deviceId}

o   If the user provides a "desiredProperties" object in the request payload, this object will be used to **override** the existing desired properties, no partial update possible

o   additional attribute "desiredProperties" in the request

o   has to be a valid JSON object with arbitrary content ( -> no content validation beyond verifying that the provided value is valid JSON)

o   attribute is not required

o   additional attribute "desiredProperties" in the response

o   attribute is either missing or contains a valid JSON object with arbitrary content

·         GET /devices/{deviceId}

additional attribute "desiredProperties" in the response - > attribute is either missing or contains a valid JSON object with arbitrary content


Enhanced Remote Access (Required netFIELD Remote Proxy Desktop App)

·         The netFIELD Remote Proxy grants remote access to additional resources running on a netFIELD Edge device

·         Get access to connected VNC, HTTP(S) or SSH services in the machine network


Integrate JSON View for Container Manager and Device Manager e.g in Container Create Option, Container Twins, Platform Connector etc...


o   Enable/Disable Devices functionality has been implemented


API Key expiration date has been implemented

·         Users have the option to create regular API Key's with the option of setting an expiration date, after which the key will be ivalid.


Startup order configuration for containers (Required iotedge 1.0.10 or higher)

containers that have been assigned a higher priority will be processed before modules that have been assigned a lower priority


Restart containers and get container logs are now possible in the device overview under installed containers page


·         Rename Device Monitoring to netFIELD App Edge Monitor


·         Rename netFIELD Proxy to netFIELD App Platform Connector


netFIELD App Platform Connector

·         Add new optional env. _PY_DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTIONS allows adding list of subscriptions  e.g _PY_DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTIONS = [{"topic":"xyz", "qos":"qos0"}, {"topic":"xyz", "qos":"qos0"}]

·         MQTT Broker Retry Connection

Container plugin can be disabled by env. variable e.g. _PY_DM_PLUGIN = disabled



·         The GET /devices/{deviceID}/containers/deployable endpoint result includes also the installed containers corresponding new property "isInstalled" has been added

·         The user is only able to view deployable (available) containers  for specific device architecture - Filter containers according to architecture (all, x86, ARM)

·         Container version has been added to the container search response

·         Link to the documentation of docker create options have been added

·         Container version has been added in search results

·         The user is able to manage containers per organization (Additional menu has been added into organization explorer: "Containers")

The user is able to search for an organization into Container sharing tab



·         Device Status (connected and disconnected) is more reliable and does not require additional containers.

·         The User is able to configure 'timeToLiveSecs' properties for EdgeHub.

·         Data Persistence Layer for OI4 and netFIELD Messages has been implemented - The following APIs is added:

Ø  GET devices/{deviceId}/messages

Ø  GET devices/{deviceId}/messages/oi4

·         Use reported Property from netFIELD Proxy to get current installed netFIELD OS firmware version (Required netFIELD Proxy 1.1.0)

·         netFIELD Proxy Data Viewer has been redesignd (JSON formater/prettifyer has been integrated)

·         The User has the possibility to pause and to resume the coming messages from netfield proxy web socket interface

·         Search and pagination has been added to “device available containers” tab

Proxy Settings support has been implemented


API Keys

·         Organisation tree sidebar has been added to API keys page. Clicking on each item will filter the list of API keys just for the selected organization


Deployment manifest

·         Search add pagination has been added to “deployment manifest available containers” tab


·         Documentation page has been added



·         New search end-point for available containers


netFIELD Proxy 1.1.2

·         Wildcard support for Topics subscriptions

·         Restart Device (Direct method ("restartDevice") has been implemented to restart the device)

·         Report the current installed netFIELD OS firmware

·         MQTT Broker connection status indication has been added to the footer of device manager plugin

·         The user is able to config MQTT settings into the device manager plugin.


Support configuration for proxy settings has been added (Required netFIELD OS 2.1.0)


Dashboard (only Backend functionality)

·         Dashboard end-points have been implemented - The following APIs has been added:

o   GET /dashboardsGet all dashboards for a given organisation

o   POST /dashboards  - Create a dashboard

o   DELETE /dashboards/{dashboardId} - Delete a dashboard by id

o   GET /dashboards/{dashboardId} - Get dashboard by id

o   PUT /dashboards/{dashboardId} - Update dashboard

o   GET /dashboards/{dashboardId}/panels - Get all dashboard panels

o   POST /dashboards/{dashboardId}/panels - Create a dashboard panel

o   DELETE /dashboards/{dashboardId}/panels/{panelId} - Delete a dashboard panel by id

o   GET /dashboards/{dashboardId}/panels/{panelId} - Get a specific dashboard panel

o   PUT /dashboards/{dashboardId}/panels/{panelId} - Update dashboard panel

o   GET /dashboards/{dashboardId}/panels/{panelId}/series - Get a list of series for a given panelId

o   POST /dashboards/{dashboardId}/panels/{panelId}/series - Create a dashboard series

o   DELETE /dashboards/{dashboardId}/panels/{panelId}/series/{seriesId} - Delete a dashboard series by id

o   GET /dashboards/{dashboardId}/panels/{panelId}/series/{seriesId} - Get dashboard by id

·         PUT /dashboards/{dashboardId}/panels/{panelId}/series/{seriesId} - Update dashboard series


Device Remote Management

·         Remote access feature establishes a tunnel between device and portal trough secure connection feature.


Container sharing

·         Containers are shareable throughout different organizations.

·         Containers can be public.

Containers can be private.



·         Container Item has been added in Organisations Manager to list all containers belonging to the selected organization.

o   Processor Architecture "All" has been added


Search engine integration for

·         Devices, Search your device by Device name, Hardware-Id, etc.

·         Containers, Search your container by Container name.

·         Organizations, search your Organizations by organization name, Id, etc.


netFIELD Proxy 1.0.0

·         Performance improvements

·         Message Size has been increased to 1MB

·         Message Chunking support if the Message is Bigger than 1MB

·         Integration of Data Live Monitoring in netfield.io Portal (Wildcard is not supported, planed for 1.1.0)

·         Examples for JS and C# has been implemented


Gateway Monitoring

·         Display Telemetry Data of your Device

·         Display your Device Information such as System Information, Network status or Hardware Information



·         The following optional properties can be added by creating/updating a devices (This information is not yet displayed in the UI)

"geolocation": { "longitude": "string", "latitude": "string" }

"description": "string"

·         "tags": "string"


Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

Fixed in Version

Bug Fixes

Fixed in Version

Fixed 404 error when trying to open a platform connector with a postfix in the container name.


Fixed edgeAgent and edgeHub 1.4 not working in OS <= 2.0.0.x.


Fixed the cursor moving to the end of the string when filling the fleet job creation name field.


Fixed "sas_url" key being overwritten (disappearing) from Containers Desired Options.


Fixed device filter fields for the method /devices/filter, where users were unable to filter by modelName, reportedProperties, and desiredProperties.


Fixed restart container blocking functionalities (UI not available, loading animation keeps spinning until the container restart finishes).


Fixed Hard Disk Space Usage and RAM Usage showing incorrect data.


Fixed incorrect restart policy name ("on-failed" instead of "on-failure").


Fixed front page flickering issue.


Fixed hard refresh on any metrics page causing error page 500.


Fixed visualization spelling to match in the Chart Visualization section.


Fixed using "&" when creating an organization returning it as "&amp."


Fixed fleet job run failure when a container has environment variables with a 1-character name.


Fix The user can't remove its profile picture


Fix Permissions for GET /v1/info is missing for API Key


Fix Password reset / verify emails: subject contains deprecated term "Edge Portal" -> netFIELD Portal


Fix Containers with processor arch. All don't show for netFIELD Extensions


Fix Create Groups does not use right permissions


Fix Metering - inconsistency in 'create' and 'delete' organization requests


Fix Device "Online status" stays "Offline" when using UpstreamProtocol "MQTT" or "MQTTWS" even though the device is online


Fix Invitation of user who "declined" invitation cannot be deleted


Fix Disable proxy settings (e.g. set Use https/http proxy setting to false) doesn't work


Fix Workspace manager entry removal doesn't work


Fix firmware update error message netfieldProxyContainer


Fix the sort order for organisation search when updating a device


Fix the device search is not displayed when the org. has no devices


Fix OS update modal closes when there are no changes detected


Fix updating job with container which instance has been deleted returns not found error


Fix container startup order validations


Fix GET /deployable returns available containers according device model (architecture) but does not filter the versions


Fix removing properties from create options doesn't work


Fix GET /devices endpoint returns wrong pagination values


Fix not all container options are stored in POST /jobs


Fix internal server error 500 - when try to 'enable' not onboarded device


Fix pagination on available container page 3 does not work


Fix device status (Disconnected, Connected) are sent several times


Fix apply manifest inconsistency


Fix wrong subject in mail for "Tenant Admin Reset Password"


Fix disable proxy settings (eg. set Use https/http proxy setting to false) doesn't work


Fix sensorEDGE Prolongation return 500


Fix remote control container does not work behind a HTTP proxy


Fix a new organization does not appear with the same search behavior as it does with the older ones.


Fix device Notifications / Webhooks are not triggered for events "Connected" or "Disconnected"


Fix "Online status" stays "Offline" when using UpstreamProtocol "MQTT" or "MQTTWS" even though the device is online


Fix "Netfield OS Manager": inconsistent capitalization/spelling, please use "netFIELD OS" throughout


Fix Organisations & Tenant Manager: inconsistent/unintuitive field order for address information in forms


Fix deployment manifest container addition doesn't contain the container default values


Fix fleet Rollouts: unexpected error on expanding device-related details for rollout type 'invoke'


Fix remaining deployments are not displayed in organisation Containers list


Fix edge Monitor: too many ticks/tick labels in "Total Physical Network Usage" chart


Fix deployment Manifest: "Startup order" column does not seem to be populated


Fix the fixed tooltip of the interval charts is not visible on the highest value on the chart


Fix device mgr: devices overview list (and GET /devices response) might display outdated firmware version, device details (GET /devices/{deviceId}) returns the correct version


Fix platform Connector: OS update -> inconsistent use of "netFIELD OS", not enough padding on OS update progress bar view


Fix fleet Filter Details: very long conditions are not bound to the column/grid


Fix cookie consent cookie has a session duration in Firefox


Fix the device explorer does not show current result after update of the device and deployment of the container


Fix device custom fields do not show "false" as a value


Fix cannot delete container from deployment job of type - execute


Fix time to live in update has 1 as a value when it should be blank


Fix netFIELD App Edge Monitor has no loading


Fix clicking on another organisation while being on the device grouping page returns 404


Fix change in the container architecture does not update the fields


Fix platform Connector: Pausing a topic doesn't stop the data from updating


Fix HTTP proxy settings uri is not visible in device details page if HTTPS proxy setting uri is not set.


Fix entering the api key page when using a workspace user yields 000


Fix edge OS is missing when the admin try to add or update a role


Fix device overview displays "No proxy" twice



Fix Deployment manifest: "Startup order" and "Use device proxy settings" is not saved


Fix device online status red/green indicator is not updated live when page is already loaded


Fix Address Supplement is not shown in the Organisation Details.


Fix changes/remove the upstream protocol issue.


Fix Device grouping: organisation tree disappears on clicking "Device Grouping"


Fix: Release Notes are “displayed Container” overview.


Fix: Inconsistent/wrong date-time formats. Concerns all overview pages that show date-time


Fix the not open device container details. When the count of installed containers is bigger than 10 these are not display correctly.


Fix cockie Issue by short user information


Fix container search displays deleted containers


Fix login with user with more than one roles issue


netFIELD App Platform Connector

·         Fix topic length is restricted to 1024 characters

·         Fix container can't start with global config

·         Fix delete subscription with single level wildcard "+" is not possible



·         Fix GET /devices/{deviceId}/containers/deployable count mismatch

·         Fix container version, icon and owner are not correct after search


netFIELD Proxy

·         Fix chunk property is missing



·         Fix GET /devices pagination total does not return the correct value.  It should return total according to the type of the device, not total from all types

·         Fix wrong header info in the direct method page

·         Fix not updating the status of the device in header

·         Fix some devices are not deletable

·         Fix device status gets not updated in the device list


User and Role Management

·         Fix the issue the user can't delete role named 'admin'


User is not able to view single role in organisation with custom role assigned to him


EdgeHub Deployment Settings

·         The default value of Optimized for performance properties is now false


Installed Containers

·         Get Container Twin issue has been fixed


Fix the UI issue by updating the device organization (sub-organizations was not in suggestions)


Gateway event notification (Webhook) by Offboarding Devices has been fixed


API Response time becomes slower by Using API Key has been fixed







Multiple words are now allowed for the first and last name fields


Container configuration is checked for IoT Hub conformance before deployment


Permission “viewEdgeos” is available now for API Keys


The old Data Streaming API, which had been deprecated in version 3.2.0, has now been completely removed. Please use the new MQTT-based Data Service.


Terms And Conditions link has been changed from /termsOfUse to the new /termsAndConditions


User roles will be automatically deleted when updating user organisation


Shared containers are shareable with child organisations now


Extend the containers collection to support links: new properties have been added in Container Model links: {link: string, displayName: string, description: string }[]


All email templates have been changed to match BLUE theme



Users are able to upload avatar or picture



Only the netfield instance admin is allowed to create a container with Container Access → public



Fleet Job -> "Execute" has been renamed to "Invoke" in job creation



Allow users to unset proxy settings by passing null as parameter



Disallow whitespace in Device custom-fields


Edge Os has been renamed to netFIELD OS


Separated container sharing into two tabs "Sharing with Organisations" and "Sharing with Tenants"


The tenant creation has been changed to have multiple steps


Device custom fields have be added as device twins tags. Note: IoT Hub enforces an 8 KB size limit on the value of tags.


Imprint, Disclaimer, Privacy policy and Terms and conditions pages have been updated


All links and primary buttons (or button icons) have been colored in the Hilscher-blue



·         GET /devices/{deviceId}/containers and GET /devices/{deviceId}/containers/deployable return containers which are deployable for this specific device


Redesign the pagination component (pagination always shows next page)


GET /containers and POST, PUT /containers/{containerId} property sharedOrganisationList has been renamed to sharedOrganisationIds


**deploymentManifest** has been renamed to **deployment-manifests** the following routes are affected:

Ø  GET /organisations/{organisationId}/**deploymentManifest**/containers                                                   ->     GET /organisations/{organisationId}/**deployment-manifests**/containers

Ø  DELETE /organisations/{organisationId}/**deploymentManifest**/containers/{containerId}      ->         DELETE /organisations/{organisationId}/**deployment-manifests**/containers/{containerId}

Ø  GET /organisations/{organisationId}/**deploymentManifest**/containers/{containerId}                  ->         GET /organisations/{organisationId}/**deployment-manifests**/containers/{containerId}

Ø  POST /organisations/{organisationId}/**deploymentManifest**/containers/{containerId}          ->     POST /organisations/{organisationId}/**deployment-manifests**/containers/{containerId}

Ø  PUT /organisations/{organisationId}/**deploymentManifest**/containers/{containerId}                  ->         PUT /organisations/{organisationId}/**deployment-manifests**/containers/{containerId}

Ø  GET /organisations/{organisationId}/**deploymentManifest**/routes                                                         ->     GET /organisations/{organisationId}/**deployment-manifests**/routes

Ø  POST /organisations/{organisationId}/**deploymentManifest**/routes                                                               ->         POST /organisations/{organisationId}/**deployment-manifests**/routes

Ø  DELETE /organisations/{organisationId}/**deploymentManifest**/routes/{routeId}                       ->         DELETE /organisations/{organisationId}/**deployment-manifests**/routes/{routeId}

Ø  GET /organisations/{organisationId}/**deploymentManifest**/routes/{routeId}                                         ->         GET /organisations/{organisationId}/**deployment-manifests**/routes/{routeId}

Ø  PUT /organisations/{organisationId}/**deploymentManifest**/routes/{routeId}                                         ->         PUT /organisations/{organisationId}/**deployment-manifests**/routes/{routeId}


Rename modules to container


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