Netzlast Test Guide (Security Level 1 Test)

Netzlast Test Guide (Security Level 1 Test)

Testbundle Info

The certification test by the Laboratory of the PI Organization is carried out according to the yearly updated testbundle, which contains the software, documents, and instructions required for the test. Moreover, for a certain testbundle there is a first and last day for the certification test application and a real stop for the certification. More information are listed in the following tables:

Net Load SL 1 Tests (device and controller)

Standard/Guideline (PNO/PI)

Electronic TCs
Tested functionalityStatusFirst day for application
for certification test (BOT)
Last day for application
for certification test (EOT)
Real stop for certification
(EOT + 6 months)

Security Level 1 V1.2.1.1
Feb. 2017

V2.42 Jan. 2021

included in Test bundle July 2021

Installer test system V2.41.2.1 and TIA V15 / V15.1 engineering

NetLoadClass I, II and III


2021-07-302022-08-312023-02-28V2.4 / V2.41 / V2.42
PreviousSecurity Level 1 V1.2.1.1
Feb. 2017
V2.41 Jan. 2020included in Test
bundle May 2020
Installer test system V2.41.0.1 and TIA V15 / V15.1 engineeringNetLoadClass I, II and III
 automated2020-05-132021-09-302022-03-31V2.35 / V2.4 / V2.41


  • Test PC (T): Windows 10® 64 Bit Professional, Version 20H2, with at least 4 GB RAM and network card (4 ports preferred) connected to the PCI slot.
  • Test PC (SL 1 Tester): Linux Operating System Ubuntu 64 Bit international version Long Term Support (LTS) desktop image: V18.04.3 LTS with installed additional package “8021Q”.
  • PLC (A)Simatic CPU 1516-3 PN/DP V2.8 or V2.6, Order Number MLFB 6ES7 516-3AN02-0AB0 or MLFB 6ES7 516-3AN01-0AB0 with:
    One DI 16×24VDC HF module, 6ES7 521-1BH00-0AB0 and

    - One DQ 16×24VDC/0,5A ST module, 6ES7 522-1BH00-0AB0.

    Note: Prepare the input bit “1” on the DI 16×24VDC HF module to activate it with ON/OFF switch to be able to reset the output LED bit “0” on the DQ 16×24VDC/0,5A ST module.

  • Neighbour I/O Device (D): Simatic ET 200SP IM 155-6 PN HF, Order Number 6ES7 155-6AU01-0CN0 with port module CU/CU and with one DI8x24VDC ST module, MLFB 6ES7 131-6BF01-0BA0 and one DQ8x24VDC0,5A ST module, MLFB 6ES7 132-6BF01-0BA0.

  • Ethernet Switch/Relay (R): SIEMENS Scalance X005, Order Number 005-0BA00-1AA3.

  • Device Under Test (DUT): The PN I/O device to be tested.
  • Power Supply (Input 230V AC/Output 24V DC), if it needed for the DUT.

  • Tow Ethernet cables, each one has 10 m length
  • Optional: Power Outlet: Remote controlled power outlet with 8 sockets. NETPowerControl.


  • Siemens Simatic Step7 V15 Professional or newer.
  • Wireshark and libcap0.8-dev
  • Ethernet Device Configuration V1.0900.3.5506 or higher. Here is the download link for the tool: https://hilscher.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ETHDEVCFG/.
  • Notepad++ V7.9.5 or higher or comparable tool to open the GSDML file.
  • Pinetload_2.41.2.1_all.deb


The different setups can be found in the document2021-07-29_PN-test/Testspec-PN_2572_V242_Jan21.pdf”. The following list clears the used components and their configurations in the different test setups:

  • A IOC CC C: PROFINET Input/Output Controller with Conformance Class “C”. NameOfStation “a”, IP Address, Mask, Gateway
  • D IOD CC C: PROFINET Input/Output Device with Conformance Class “C”. NameOfStation “d”, IP Address, Mask, Gateway
  • C”: Media converter, is not necessary for Hilscher products.
  • G” : PROFINET cable with 10 m length.
  • R”: Ethernet Switch without LLDP-/PTCP filtering, see Hardware above for recommended device.
  • T”: PN-Tester: PROFINET test system, IP Address, Mask, Gateway
  • SL1 Tester”: Security Level 1 test system according to actual valid PROFINET Test Bundle.
  • DUT” : PROFINET Device to be tested (Device Under Test). NameOfStation “dut”, IP Address, Mask, Gateway
  • Power outlet”: Remote controlled power outlet. IP Address with normally default username “admin” and password “anel”.
  • PS”: Power supply.
  • IF1”: The Netload Tester network interface with the IP address:

Power Control

If the Power Outlet intended to be used:

  1. Open in your Internet browser the page “http://net-controlor enter in the browser tab the IP address “”. Note: The IP address of the interface (IF2) to which the Power Outlet connected must be set to
  2. Enter the username “admin” and the password “anel”.

  3. The sockets with the numbers 1,3 and 4 are important for the tests, the other sockets will not be used here.

Note: The devices will not be powered up/down automatically during the Netload Tests.


TIA Portal Projects

There are two projects needed for the Netload tests.

  • RT Netload Test project.
  • IRT Netload Test project.

Note: You need to install the software “TIA Portal Version V15” or newer for the current testbundle. The software version V16 is used in the following projects.

RT Netload Test Project

  1. Download the following project example: netLoad RT_V16.7z and extract it.
  2. Open the folder “netLoad RT_V16” then open “normal_d_V2.40.0_V16.ap16”.
  3. Delete the old “dut” from the new project.

  4. If the new device (dut) does not exist in the device catalogue in TIA - Software, add it (General Station Description) as follows: Go to Options → Manage general station description files (GSD), then choose the specific GSDML file and install it.

  5. Find the new device in the device catalogue and build the “RT Setup”, see the RT Netload Test setup below.
  6. Change the device name to “dut”, change the IP address to “”, change the cycle time to “1ms”, change the RT class to “RT”.
    • Device (not yet “dut”) → Properties → General → Name: dut
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Ethernet addresses → IP protocol → IP address:
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Advanced options → Real time settings → IO cycle → Update time: 1ms
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Advanced options → Real time settings → Synchronization → RT class: RT

  7. Add the modules to be used to the right slots in the Device View. Note: The modules used in this example project are fixed and be added automatically in the project.

  8. Check in the topology view that no device is connected.
  9. Download the project in the CPU 1516.
  10. Check if the Error LED on the CPU 1516 is green (no errors) and nothing is blinking red, then go online in TIA Portal and check if everything is green.
  11. Go offline.

IRT Netload Test Project

  1. Download the following project example: netLoad IRT_V16.7z and extract it
  2. Open the folder “netLoad IRT_V16” then open “normal_d_V2.40.0_V16.ap16”.
  3. Delete the old “dut” from the new project.

  4. If the new device (dut) does not exist in the device catalogue in TIA - Software, add it (General Station Description) as follows: Go to Options → Manage general station description files (GSD), then choose the specific GSDML file and install it.

  5. Find the new device in the device catalogue and build the “IRT Setup”, see the IRT Netload Test setup below.
  6. Change the device name to “dut”, change the IP address to “”, change the cycle time to “1ms”, change the RT class to “RT”.
    • Device (not yet “dut”) → Properties → General → Name: dut
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Ethernet addresses → IP protocol → IP address:
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Advanced options → Real time settings → IO cycle → Update time: 1ms
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Advanced options → Real time settings → Synchronization → RT class: IRT

  7. Add the modules to be used to the right slots in the Device View. Note: The modules used in this example project are fixed and be added automatically in the project.

  8. Connect in the “Topology view” the devices as following.

  9. Download the project in the CPU 1516.
  10. Check if the Error LED on the CPU 1516 is green (no errors) and nothing is blinking red, then go online in TIA Portal and check if everything is green.
  11. Go offline.

SL1-Tester Software

Follow the instructions in the document provided in the testbundle “2021-04-29_PN-Test\Security Level 1 Test\tester\How to install and to run the security level 1 tester V2.41.2.1_V1.0.pdf” to install the required OS, Wireshark and pcap tools and to configure the test network interface that will be used by the SL1 tester. Also perform in the section “1” the steps “a”, “b” and “c”.

Test Execution

RT Test Setup

Build the following test setup if the DUT had one port:

  • Connect “DUT” Pot 1 to “R” Port 3.
  • Connect “DUT” Port 2 to “D” Port 1.
  • Connect “A” Port1 to “R” Port 1.
  • Connect “SL1 Tester” (IF1 Port) to “R” Port 2.
  • The cables length connected to the DUT shall be 10 m

Or the following test setup if the DUT has two ports:

Note: There is no Hilscher PNS firmware for more than two ports.

  1. Connect the Test PC (T) to the port 5 of the Switch (R) to be able to configure the device names and to download the specific TIA Portal project.
  2. Power up all the devices.
  3. Open the Ethernet Device Configuration tool and search for devices:
    - If available, set the name of the Simatic ET200SP device permanently to “d”.

    - Set the name of device under test temporary to “dut”. To be sure, power the DUT down and up, it shall have no name. Set the name “dutnewly temporary again.

  4. Download the “RT Netload Test” TIA Portal project prepared above onto the PLC.
  5. Reset the LED “0” on the DQ 16×24VDC/0,5A ST module by setting the bit “1” on the DI 16×24VDC HF module ON/OFF.
  6. Disconnect the EtherNet cable from port 5 of the Scalance X005 (R).
  7. Go to the SL1 Test PC and perform the following steps (The SL1-Tester software assumed to be installed as indicated above, see Preparation → SL1 Tester Software):
    1. Open the “Terminal” program.

    2. Write sudo su and press enter.

    3. Enter your password.

    4. Write sudo -s and press enter, then write nautilus& and press enter. Ignore the warning message.

    5. Go to “…/root/Netload/Scripts” and open the file “testling_id-txt”.

    6. Write the Testling ID of your device, e.g., for Hilscher “NETX_RE/PNS_V4.6.0.x_HostExample” and save it. The ID will be expanded automatically with the MAC-Address of the device.
      Note: Do not put a space in the Testling ID name, use instead underscore.

    7. Double-click on the file “FrameSet.desktop”, a new folder with the name “Testling ID + MAC address” will be generated in the directory “…/Netload/Out”.
      Note: The test setup shall be ready at this moment as described above.

    8. Start the “Netload-Tester.desktop”.

    9. Follow the instructions and choose the option which corresponds to your device. Press enter.

    10. Select the “(1)” if the DUT has one port or “(2)” if the DUT has two ports. Press enter.

    11. Select the data rate for the load generating interface. For the Hilscher firmware, choose the “(0)”, “100 Mbit”. Press enter.

    12. Select the Netload Class of your device found in the GSDML entry “CertificationInfo”. Press enter.

    13. Select the communication quality to be tested, “Faulty” or “Normal”. For a complete Netload test, it is recommended to begin with the Normal test. Press enter.

    14. Select a complete test “(1)” or a single testcase “(2)” to be performed. Press enter.

    15. It takes ca. 110 minutes for the Normal complete test and ca. 80 minutes for the Faulty complete test. If you have selected a single testcase, select in the next step the testcase number, one from (1-63).
    16. When the chosen test (Normal or Faulty) finishes, return to the “Communication Quality” menu, option (0). Press enter.

    17. Choose the other test option, it should be in this example Faulty test (0). Press enter.

  8. Test result evaluation (Pass/Fail):
    • Normal Test: The DUT shall be responsive after the test and the PLC Error LED may not blink red during the test (No communication fault) and no errors must be stored in the DQ 16×24VDC/0,5A ST module (Output bit (0)/LED 0 is not ON).
    • Faulty Test: The DUT shall be responsive after the test and the PLC Error LED may blink red during the test and errors may be stored in the DQ 16×24VDC/0,5A ST module (Output bit (0)/LED 0 is ON).

IRT Test Setup

Build the following test setup if the DUT had one port:

  • Connect “DUT” Pot 1 to “A” Port 1.
  • Connect “DUT” Port 2 to “R” Port 1.
  • Connect “D” Port1 to “R” Port 3.
  • Connect “SL1 Tester” (IF1 Port) to “R” Port 2.
  • The cables length connected to the DUT shall be 10 m.

Note: There is no one port Hilscher firmware for IRT devices.

Note: There is no Hilscher firmware for more than two ports devices.

  1. If you want to test the IRT Netload firstly, repeat the test steps (1-8) mentioned in the RT Test Setup above.
    Note: Download by step (4) the “IRT Netload Test” TIA Portal project onto the PLC.

  2. If you have been executed the RT Test Setup, repeat the test steps (1-6) and go for the step (7) directly to the last shown windows of the “Netload-Tester.desktop” and select (0). Press enter.

  3. Execute the steps (m-q) mentioned in the RT Test Setup above.
  4. Evaluate test result as described in the step (8) of the RT Test Setup.

Input/Output Data Test

It is important that the DUT still responsive after the Netload test, specially after Faulty Test. Therefore, this test shall be performed before the RT/IRT Netload (Normal + Faulty) test and after the test.

Input data could be data obtained from a sensor or a switch …etc. It depends on the application. Output data are data sent from the PLC to the application to act or perform a certain task, e.g., to control a valve or to light up a LED.

These data can be monitored and modified in the PLC Test_Prog window by adding the proper I/O Modules addresses.

It can be tested similar to the following example:

  1. Go to: “a[CPU 1516-3 PN/DP] → Watch and force tables → Test_Prog”, then add the Input addresses needed to be observed, and the Output addresses needed to be modified. It is not necessary to add all addresses of I/O modules.

  2. Go to “Go online” and activate “Monitor all”. For this example, one input byte and one output byte were needed.

  3. If possible, make a change to the input data from the device, the corresponding monitored input address value/s shall change. Here, the address value of %IB2 changes through a dip switch on the DUT (Dip switch = ON/OFF → Input value = 0x01/0x00).
  4. If possible, modify the output address value/s that cause a change on the device. Here, an indicator on the DUT lights up when the address value of %QB2 be modified with the value “0xFF” (Output value = 0xFF/0x00 → LED = ON/OFF).

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