Features - V3

Features - V3

Key Features

  • Isochronous produce and consume of cyclic data (SCP_Sync)
  • UC channel for transmission and reception of non-SIII-Ethernet-frames (SCP_NRTPC)
  • Diagnostic Trace Buffers (GDP DiagT)

Supported Protocols

  • SIP - SercosinternetProtocol
  • TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol
On this page

Technical Data


Firmware/stack available for netX

netX 50, netX 51, netX 52, netX 100, netX 500

netX 50, netX 51, netX 52:

Max. number of cyclic input data (Tx) of all slaves

254 bytes (including Connection Control and IO Status)

netX 50, netX 51, netX 52:

Max. number of cyclic output data (Rx) of all slaves

254 bytes (including Connection Control and IO Control)


netX 100, netX 500: Maximum number of cyclic input data

(Tx) of all slaves

 128 bytes (including Connection Control and IO Status)

netX 100, netX 500: Maximum number of cyclic output

data (Rx) of all slaves

 128 bytes (including Connection Control and IO Control)

Maximum number of slave devices

netX 52: 1

All others: 8

Maximum number of applicable SERCOS addresses

1 … 511

Minimum cycle time

250 µs


Line and ring

Communication phases

NRT, CP0, CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4

Acyclic Communication (Service Channel)

Read/Write/Standard Commands

Baud rate

100 MBit/s

Data transport layer

Ethernet II, IEEE 802.3

Supported SERCOS III version

Communication Specification Version 1.1.2

Supported SERCOS Communication Profiles

SCP_FixCFG Version 1.1.1

SCP_VarCFG Version 1.1.1

SCP_VarCFG Version 1.1.3

Supported User SCP Profiles

SCP_WD Version 1.1.1

SCP_Diag Version 1.1.1

SCP_RTB Version 1.1.1

SCP_Mux Version 1.1.1

SCP_Sig 1.1.1

Supported FSP profiles



SCP Sync support


SCP_NRTPC support


S/IP supportyes

Identification LED feature supported


Storage location of object dictionary

mixed mode


Configuration is done by sending packets to the stack or by using SYCON.net configuration database.


The Firmware supports diagnosis through the "Diagnostic Number" (S-0-0390) and the "diagnostic trace buffers" (S-0-1303.0.10).