Description - V1

Description - V1

Configuration and Diagnosis Software

FDT based, multi-protocol all-in-one solution


  • multi-protocol tool supporting all major:

    • filedbus systems
    • realtime ethernet systems
  • stand-alone or embeddable in other engineering tools

  • contains a collection of FDT/DTMs compliant to FDT 1.2.x:

    • communication and Device DTMs for all Hilscher boards

    • Hilscher interpreter DTMs for third party field devices integration 

    • configurable Gateway DTMs with various possible protocol combinations

  • can host third party DTMs

  • can manage complex heterogeneous network structures
  • protocol-neutral process data interface to PLC

SYCON.net is an FDT based multi-protocol offline configuration, online commissioning and diagnostic tool for Fieldbus devices of the automation industry. The components are developed by Hilscher engineers with fieldbus know-how. It is supporting all major Fieldbus and Realtime Ethernet systems. Multiple customer specific adaptions as well as seamless integrations in third party engineering tools have been realized till today.

Based on the off-the-shelf  SYCON.net we can provide scalable, custom-designed FDT based solutions tailored to customers needs. 

Open industry standard FDT Technology is best choice for vendor-neutral field devices integration into DCS, PLCs, Asset Management and other engineering environments. .

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