Commissioning Steps
- Mount the Hilscher product into the host system.
- Install the above mentioned software components.
- Download a firmware into the Hilscher product
- , using the Device Explorer.
- Set up a protocol-dependent network configuration
- , using Communication Studio.
- Download the configuration
- to the product.
- The communication is started automatically or using an Application, concerning the previous configuration.
- Check if the communication works as expected, using the Diagnostic functions in Communication Studio.
Optional: - Check data exchange with “cifXTest” utility, which is installed in the Windows Control Panel, together with the cifX Device Driver (NXDRV-WIN).
- If it is not shown in the Control Panel, it can be found in the following path: C:\Program Files\cifX Device Driver
For full support with the Hilscher tool chain, the minimum newest firmware listed on this the Product DVD has to be used.
If a later version of a firmware is used from Hilscher Knowledge Base, the firmware type "Use Case C" has to be chosen in the download folder.