Getting Started Communication Solutions (netX 90)

Getting Started Communication Solutions (netX 90)


This Getting Started guide, is based on the Communication Solutions 90/4x00 DVD, which is available in this area: https://www.hilscher.com/de/support/downloads/.

All mentioned software and Directorys can be found on this DVD.

It describes how to Install all needed Software and gives a short overview about the configuration steps for Communication Solution Devices (e.g. CIFX Cards).

Software Installation

Please note, that Communication Studio is currently not compatible with Sycon.net.

To prevent issues caused by previous installations, please do a clean deinstallation first.

A complete description of how to do a clean installation, can be found in the following Application Note:


cifX Device Driver

Install the CIFX device driver for Windows on your host system.

It is needed to gain access to the cifX card via PCI Express.

DVD Path → ...\Driver_&_Toolkit\Device Driver (NXDRV-WIN)\Installation\cifX Device Driver Setup.exe

The latest version of the CIFX Device Driver, is also available on our Knowledge Base:


Device Explorer

Install the Device Explorer, which is used to download a communication firmware to the CIFX card.

DVD Path → …\Software_&_Tools\Configuration_Software\Device_Explorer Vxxx Setup.exe

The latest version of the Device Explorer, is also available on our Knowledge Base:


Device Library

Install the Device Library.

It provides a collection of device and communication DTMs for the Configuration Software Communication Studio.

DVD Path → …\Software_&_Tools\Configuration_Software\Device_Library Vxxx Setup.exe

The latest version of the Device Library, is also available on our Knowledge Base:


Communication Studio

Install Communication Studio, which is used to set up a network configuration.

DVD Path → …\Software_&_Tools\Configuration_Software\CommunicationStudio Vxxx Setup.exe

The latest version of Communication Studio, is also available on our Knowledge Base:


Commissioning Steps

Mount the Hilscher product into the host system.

Install the above mentioned software components.

Download a firmware into the Hilscher product, using the Device Explorer.

Set up a protocol-dependent network configuration, using Communication Studio.

Download the configuration to the product.

The communication is started automatically or using an Application, concerning the previous configuration.

Check if the communication works as expected, using the Diagnostic functions in Communication Studio.


Check data exchange with “cifXTest” utility, which is installed in the Windows Control Panel, together with the cifX Device Driver (NXDRV-WIN).
If it is not shown in the Control Panel, it can be found in the following path: C:\Program Files\cifX Device Driver


For full support with the Hilscher tool chain, the latest firmware listed on the Product DVD or the latest Firmware available on the Hilscher Knowledge Base (https://hilscher.atlassian.net/wiki/display/HILKB/Technologies) has to be used.

If a later version of a firmware is used from Hilscher Knowledge Base, the firmware type "Use Case C" has to be chosen in the download folder.


Documentations for all hard- and software components included in the ComSol_90_4x00 DVD are available on the DVDin path:: …\Documentation\...

All these documents as well as further ones, can be found on our Knowledge Base:


Please find documentations to the software mentioned above, here:

cifX Device Driver: https://hilscher.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DL/cifX+Device+Driver+-+Windows

FAQ: https://hilscher.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CIFXDRV/FAQ+-+NXDRV-WIN

Device Explorer: https://hilscher.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DL/Device+Explorer

FAQ: https://hilscher.atlassian.net/wiki/display/HWMAN/FAQ

Device Library: https://hilscher.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DL/Device+Library

FAQ: https://hilscher.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DEVLIB/FAQ

Communication Studio: https://hilscher.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DL/Communication+Studio

FAQ: https://hilscher.atlassian.net/wiki/display/COMSTUDIO/FAQ

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