- Export Configuration [EN]
In some situations, it may be needed to export a configuration created in
Those reasons can for example be:
- if configuration files for an implementation of a Hilscher PC card in a Linux system are needed
- if a device should be configured via SD-Card (Gateways)
- if other tools should be used to download the configuration - for example the CIFX Setup Tool or ComProX2
This application note explains, how to export configuration files from, how to prepare them to fit to the device and how to download the files to the correct area inside the devices' file system.
It does especially concentrate on netX based Hilscher PC cards, netHOST and the Gateways NT 50, NT 100 and NT 151.
Configuration Export - netX based Hilscher PC cards CIFX
Export from
After creating and configuring the complete Project, the configuration can be exported as a .nxd Database file with a right click to the device → Additional functions → Export → DBM/nxd
The default name "config.nxd" should be used.
Download to Device
CIFX Setup Tool
To download the configuration to a CIFX card, the Tool "CIFX Setup" can be used.
It is located in the driver folder "C:\Program Files\cifX Device Driver\cifXSetup.exe".
Open the tool and select CH#0 of the respective device, shown in the area "Active Devices".
If there is no Firmware installed, please first insert the corresponding Firmware file .nxf, for the protocol to be used.
After that, the exported .nxd files can be added to the area "Assigned Configuration Files".
By excepting your changes with "Apply", the driver will instantly download the new configuration to the cifx card.
It will also automatically copy the files to the driver folder and create an entry in the registry with the current location of the Firmware and configuration files.
Configuration Export - netHOST
Export from
After creating and configuring the complete Project, the configuration can be exported with a right click to the device → Additional functions → Export → DBM/nxd
The default name "config.nxd" should be used
Prepare exported files for further use
The following files will be exported:
These now need to be sorted to the fitting Port in the file system of the Gateway.
The files should be sorted as shown below. Also add the needed firmware file (.nxf) to Port_0.
NHST for FB (Fieldbus)
CONFIG.nxd is not needed and can be deleted.
→ rename to NWID.nxd
→ rename to CONFIG.nxd
Port 0 contains all configuration files associated to the Protocol on Port X2 and the Firmware. In case of a netHOST for a Fieldbus protocol, this is the Ethernet Marshaller.
Port 1 contains all configuration files associated to the Protocol on Port X3. In this case, it is the configuration for the used Fieldbus Protocol.
NHST for RE (Realtime Ethernet)
CONFIG.nxd is not needed and can be deleted.
→ rename to CONFIG.nxd
→ rename to NWID.nxd
Port 0 contains all configuration files associated to the Protocol on Port X2 and the Firmware. In this case, it is the configuration for the used Realtime Ethernet Protocol.
Port 1 contains all configuration files associated to the Protocol on Port X3. In case of a netHOST for a Realtime Ethernet Protocols, this is the Ethernet Marshaller.
Download to Device
Step-by-Step instruction:
- Copy the following file to the main directory of the SD-Card:
- Copy the exported and prepared Configuration Files and Firmware (including the folder structure described in the section "Prepare exported files for further use") to the main directory of the SD-Card.
- Remove the power supply from your Gateway device and insert the SD-Card.
Add the Power Supply to the device. It will now automatically start copying the configuration from the SD-Card.
Wait until the SYS-LED is steady green.
The diagram below shows how the SYS LED will act during the copy process:
Please do not forget to remove the SD-Card after this process. Otherwise, the current Gateway Configuration will be overwritten after every power cycle and reset of the Gateway.
The following Application Note provides the Tool COMPROX2 as well as a full description of how to download an existing configuration to the device:
ComProX2 - backup and restore configuration
Configuration Export - Gateways (NT 100 / NT 151)
Export from
After creating and configuring the complete Project, the configuration can be exported with a right click to the device → Additional functions → Export → DBM/nxd
The default name "config.nxd" should be used.
Prepare exported files for further use
The following files will be exported:
These now need to be sorted to the fitting Port in the file system of the Gateway and need to be renamed.
The files should be sorted and renamed as shown below. Also add the needed firmware file (.nxf) to Port_0.
→ rename to CONFIG.nxd
config_base.nxd→ rename to NWID.nxd
config_base_nwid.nxd (Profinet IO Device only)PORT_1
→ rename to INIBATCH.nxd
→ rename to MAPPING.nxd
Port 0 contains all configuration files associated to the Protocol on Port X2 of the Gateway.
Port 1 contains all configuration files associated to the Protocol on Port X3 of the Gateway.
Port 2 contains all configuration files associated to the Gateway itself, like mapping information.
Download to Device
Step-by-Step instruction:
- Copy the following file to the main directory of the SD-Card:
- Copy the exported and prepared Configuration Files and Firmware (including the folder structure described in the section "Prepare exported files for further use") to the main directory of the SD-Card.
- Remove the power supply from your Gateway device and insert the SD-Card.
Add the Power Supply to the device. It will now automatically start copying the configuration from the SD-Card.
Wait until the SYS-LED is steady green.
The diagram below shows how the SYS LED will act during the copy process:
Please do not forget to remove the SD-Card after this process. Otherwise, the current Gateway Configuration will be overwritten after every power cycle and reset of the Gateway.
The following Application Note provides the Tool COMPROX2 as well as a full description of how to download an existing configuration to the device:
ComProX2 - backup and restore configuration
Additional Information
Where to locate NWID files
Some Realtime Ethernet Protocols use NWID files to provide TCP-related configurations (IP-address, NameOfStation ect.).
This, for example, affects Profinet IO Device and EthernetIP Scanner.
When exporting the configuration of such protocols, a config_nwid.nxd file will be exported.
This file should be renamed to "nwid.nxd" for further use.
For Gateway configuration, please note that the protocol related nwid.nxd needs to be placed in the same folder / port, as the configuration file of the protocol itself.