It describes how to Install all needed Software and gives a short overview about the configuration steps for Communication Solution Devices (e.g. CIFX Cards).
Software Installation
Infonote |
Please note, that Communication Studio is currently not compatible with Sycon.net. To prevent issues caused by previous installations, please do a clean deinstallation first. A complete description of how to do a clean installation, can be found in the following Application Note: https://kb.hilscher.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=108958525 |
Communication Studio
Install the Communication Studio, which is used to set up a network configuration.
- Mount the Hilscher product into the host system.
- Install the above mentioned software components.
- Download a firmware into the Hilscher product, using the Device Explorer.
- Set up a protocol-dependent network configuration, using Communication Studio.
- Download the configuration to the product.
- The communication is started automatically or using an Application, concerning the previous configuration.
- Check if the communication works as expected, using the Diagnostic functions in Communication Studio.
Optional: - Check data exchange with “cifXTest” utility, which is installed in the Windows Control Panel, together with the cifX Device Driver (NXDRV-WIN).
If it is not shown in the Control Panel, it can be found in the following path: C:\Program Files\cifX Device Driver
Info |
Please find a full commissioning example, in this Application Note: https://kb.hilscher.com/display/GLOBALSUP/Commissioning+CIFX+M2+as+Profinet+IO+Device |
For full support with the Hilscher tool chain, the newest firmware listed on the Product DVD has to be used.
If a later version of a firmware is used from Hilscher Knowledge Base, the firmware type "Use Case C" has to be chosen in the download folder.
Documentation Documentations for all hard- and software components included in this Product DVD is the ComSol_90_4x00 DVD are available on the DVDin path:: …\Documentation\...The Documentation Library on the Hilscher Knowledgebase includes further documents: Documentation Library Home
All these documents as well as further ones, can be found on our Knowledge Base:
Please find documentations to the software mentioned above, here:
cifX Device Driver: https://kb.hilscher.com/display/DL/cifX+Device+Driver+-+Windows
FAQ: https://kb.hilscher.com/display/CIFXDRV/FAQ+-+NXDRV-WIN
Device Explorer: https://kb.hilscher.com/display/DL/Device+Explorer
FAQ: https://kb.hilscher.com/display/HWMAN/FAQ
Device Library: https://kb.hilscher.com/display/DL/Device+Library
FAQ: https://kb.hilscher.com/display/DEVLIB/FAQ
Communication Studio: https://kb.hilscher.com/display/DL/Communication+Studio