V1.1100 Release Notes

We are excited to announce the latest release of netX Studio CDT. This release brings a series of enhancements and new features aimed at improving your development experience with netX 90. Here are the highlights of what's new.

1. Security Features

1.1 CLI Flasher Helper Binaries Management

  • Streamlined Management: The management of CLI Flasher helper binaries has been simplified. Now you don't need to provide the private firmware key when operating with a device in secure boot mode. Instead, you can create a signed collection of helper binaries and use it when needed.

  • Enhanced User Interface: Easily create, add, and manage helper binaries through an improved dialog interface.

1.2 Security Configuration Wizard

Refer to the documentation sections:

  • 5.3.6 Security (5.3 netX 90 application tutorial)

  • 13 Security tools

  • 13.3 Managing helper binaries

2. Full-Featured SEGGER J-Link Support

  • Native Integration: Added full-featured support for SEGGER J-Link, enhancing the debugging experience with additional functionalities.

For more details, see:

  • 2.3.1 Installing drivers for Segger J-Link

  • 8.2.2 J-Link settings (8.2 Debug settings)

  • 9.5.1 Device selection#J-Link Commander

Additionally, refer to the SEGGER Wiki for more information.

3. NXEB 90-SPE Evaluation Board Support

  • Debug Support: Introduced debug support for the NXEB 90-SPE evaluation board.

  • Configuration Capability: Added “10 Mbps SPE/APL“ Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) interfaces in the “Network Interface” options of the netX 90 communication side in the hardware options tree.

4. Writable Flasher Package (WFP)

  • New Feature: Introduced the Writable Flasher Package (WFP), a compressed archive file that
    contains all files to be flashed at once and a control file with the list of these files and their positions in the Flash memory.

  • Simplified Flash Operations: The tool assists in creating the WFP control file and archive, making flash operations more efficient.

See "9.4 Writable Flasher Package (WFP)" for full details.

5. New Debug Features

5.1 Live Expressions View

Enable users to inspect expressions or variables while the target is running.

5.2 Debug Restart Command

This allows resetting the device and restarting the program from the beginning without restarting the whole debug session.

6. Notable Fixes and Enhancements

6.1 Device Selection for SQI Flash Components

We have improved the device selection process for SQI Flash components in the Hardware Configuration editor.

6.2 Enhanced Flasher Wizard for External Flash Devices

The Flasher wizard now provides more detailed information about connected external flash devices.

6.3 Hardware Configuration Update Quick Fix

  • Increased User Control: Added a new option in the hardware configuration update quick fix, allowing users to select both update and build actions.

  • User Preferences: Customize this behavior on the preferences page (Edit > Preferences > Hardware Configuration).

6.4 Introduction of CLI Tools Console

  • Process Monitoring: Users can now track every process/tool start and view its output in the new “CLI Tools Console.”

  • User Preferences: Customize the behavior on the preferences page (Edit > Preferences > CLI Tools Console).

6.5 Project Builders Restoration

  • Restored Functionality: The original Eclipse 'Builders' page is now available in the project's properties (Project> Properties > Builders), allowing configuration of available builders.

  • Configuration Limits: To prevent unwanted behavior, configuration is limited to 'Hardware Configuration Builder' and 'WFP Control File Builder'.

7. Tools and Resources Updates

  • Flasher: Updated to version 2.0.3

  • netX 90 Tools Collection: Updated to version 2.0.9 (hboot_image_compiler v1.0.0, hwconfig tool v4.1.7, hboot_image_sign v0.9.7)

  • Tag List Editor: Updated to version

  • Overlay Files: Updated to version 1.1.1

  • netX 90 Template Project: Updated netX Peripheral Driver to version

  • SVN Connectors: Resolved issues by migrating to a new SVN provider.

These enhancements and updates represent significant progress since our last public release. We believe these improvements will greatly enhance your development workflow.