
Key Features

> Eclipse-based IDE, utilizes Eclipse Platform and Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tooling) for a robust development environment

> Waf Build Automation Tool, integrated support for the Waf build automation tool to streamline the build process

> GNU toolchains

> GCC ARM Embedded for compiling
   and debugging C/C++ code for netX 90

> Sourcery G++ Lite for ARM EABI (CodeSourcery GNU toolchain)
   for compiling and debugging C/C++ code for netX 10/51/52/100/500

> OpenOCD for JTAG/USB debugging and support of J-Link (SEGGER) debug probe

> USB drivers for connecting netX hardware to the development PC
   for JTAG-to-USB debugging and for flashing software

> TM Terminal plug-in providing an integrated command-line terminal
   with support for serial communication

> Eclipse PyDev with Python 2.7 interpreter

> Eclox plug-in with integrated Doxyge, Graphviz and PlantUML
   tools for generating project documentation

> Eclipse Subclipse plug-in
   for SVN-integrated version control support

> Eclipse EGit plug-in
   for Git-integrated version control support

> Additional third-party plug-ins such as EmbSysRegView, 
   Eclipse Hex Editor, ANSI Console and others