cifX Update Device Number for Windows

cifX Update Device Number for Windows

cifX Update Device Number for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems

The command line based application CIFX Update Device Number allows to update the stored Serial number of a CIFX card after
it was replaced by another card with another Serial number. Or if a Windows image is used containing a standard CIFX card configuration which must be
updated to meet the card information in the current system.

This is necessary for the CIFX Windows driver to be able to recognize which files should be downloaded to the new card.

Note: Tool is needs administrator rights to update the registry information and
           to rename the file storage diectory in .\Program Files\CIFX Device Driver

Update Methods:

The Tool offers 2 methods to update the configuration information

  • By Device Number and Serial Number
    In this case the users knows which configuration should be updated.
    The tool offers 3 paramaters <Devive Number>, <Old Serial Number> and <New Serial Number>.
  • By a Configuration Number and Board Number
    In this case the chosen configuration will be updated with the board information.


  • Microsoft Windows operating system XP or higher
  • A cifX Device Driver installed on the Windows system


  • Display Help Information
    The help screen is shown if the tool is called without parameters:


  • List available Configurations and Boards in the system:
    This is done by using the -L parameter.


  • Changing Information by Using the Device and Serial Numbers
    This is done by using the -D: -O: and -N: option.
    -D:<Device Number> -O:<Old Serial Number> -N:<New Serial Number>
    The example below changes the serial number from 0x20000 to 0x20087 for
    device 1250400.
    Without the -v option, the tool will not generate any outputs


  • Changing Information by <Config Number> and <Board Number>
    This is done by the options -B:<Board Number> and -C:<Config Number>.
    The example blow updates the information of "Conf 0" with the information of "Board 1".
    Note: Without the -v option, the tool will not generate any outputs

Note:  The tool is provided as it is, WITHOUT any warranty or support!
           The download includes the executable of the tool and a source code project for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.


  File Modified

ZIP Archive cifXUpdateDeviceNumber_2017_02_2.zip cifX Update Program incl. Source Project

2017-02-22 by Robert Mayer (Deactivated)