Why is my "ethercat.xml" configuration file not downloaded ?
Usually all cards are configured by a .NXD file, which is a configuration database.
In addition, the EtherCat devices are also configurable via a .XML file. The actual version of the VxWorks driver was developed before the XML configuration was indruduced by EtherCAT and
therefore, XML files do not have a build in support in the VxWorls driver.
XML support can easily be added to the driver by adding the following source code line(s):
File: USER_VxWorks.c
Function: USER_GetConfigurationFileCount()
/*! Returns the number of firmware files associated with the card/channel,
* passed as argument.
* \param ptDevInfo DeviceInfo including channel number, for which the
* firmware file count should be read
* \return number of firmware files, to download. The returned value will
* be used as a maximum value for ulIdx in calls to
* USER_GetFirmwareFile */
uint32_t USER_GetFirmwareFileCount(PCIFX_DEVICE_INFORMATION ptDevInfo)
uint32_t ulRet = 0;
if(NULL != g_szDriverBaseDir)
GetChannelDir(szDir, sizeof(szDir), ptDevInfo);
/* count all .NXF, .NXO files */
ulRet = GetNumberOfFiles(szDir, ".NXO") +
GetNumberOfFiles(szDir, ".NXF") +
GetNumberOfFiles(szDir, ".XML");
return ulRet;