V1.7.0 hotfix CLI Flasher USIP Player
V1.7.0 hotfix CLI Flasher USIP Player
This hotfix is related to the new introduced feature usip_player.
Changes in this version
How to install the hotfix?
In order to improve the stability of the UART communication for the usip_player feature, replace the SIPper inside sub directory ./ext/SIPper of the CLI Flasher V1.7.0 with the attached version.
Support is for Windows ONLY.
How to check the installed SIPper version?
Change into the CLI Flasher directory and execute the following command.
Read SIPper version
ext\SIPper\SIPper.exe --version
Expected SIPper version BEFORE the hotfix.
SIPper version inside the CLI Flasher 1.7.0
0.2.1 (BUILD 20220322H0812)
Expected SIPper version AFTER the hotfix was applied.
SIPper version of this hotfix
0.2.2 (BUILD 20220502H1241)