Where does atvise Builder stores all the project data to?


Where does atvise Builder stores all the project data to?


atvise Builder stores all project data in a single SQL database file.

The database file is named "nodes.db" and it can be found in the installation folder of atvise which is "c:\program files\atvise" typically.

The advantage of a single file is that once you need support for your project, it is much easier to send the single file to our hotline for review instead of many 'somewhere distributed' files. The file is not bound to the PC where it has been created. It can be used anywhere.

When ativse is up and running this file cannot be deleted normally cause the server protects it with a write protection. You have to stop the server first using the project console option "stop" to flush the servers data queue and to remove the write protection.

When the file gets deleted then atvise Builder will create a new and empty "nodes.db" file. It is recommended to backup the nodes.db file from time to time.