ECS PDO Parameter Example

ECS PDO Parameter Example

1 Example project

This article is based on the ECS CustomOD example on our knowledge base:

KB → Software → LFW Host Examples → EtherCAT Slave

For netX90:

2 ECS Sources

The ECS Sources in the ECS CustomOD Example can be found in the following folder:

netXStudio_ECSV5_simpleConfig_V2.1.0.0\netX 90 - EtherCAT Slave - simpleConfig V2.1.0.0\Components\cifXApplicationDemoECS\Sources

Replace the folder “cifXApplicationDemoECS”, with these new files:


3 Changes

The ETG1020 defines some PDO parameters, like the objects 0x1400 and 0x1800.

These Parameters are used in this example and can be found in the file AppECS_DemoObjectDictionary.h


0x1400:08 RxPDO Contro

0x1400:09 RxPDO Toggle


0x1400:07 TxPDO State

0x1400:09 TxPDO Toggle

0x00000x0000:01 Dummy

The subindexes have the datatype boolean. A dummy object with 6 Bits is necessary for 1 Byte.

A PDO always consists of a complete Byte 2 Bit + 6 Bit = 1 Byte.

The objects have to be mapped to a PDO. The TwinCAT CoE view shows the mapping to the PDO 0x1600 and the PDO 0x1A00 :