PROFIdrive Profile Community Project
This space was created to help drive and motion control vendors to create a PROFIdrive solution which relies on proven components. This reduces the effort for the implementation and lets to avoid the common pitfalls in the development process.
PROFIdrive Implementation Guide
PROFIdrive Implementation Guide is designed to help the user to implement the PROFIdrive profile. It provides the overview of the required steps and dependencies and is a good point to start with PROFIdrive implementation.
PROFIdrive Controller
The PROFIdrive Controller Example is used to realized a motion control PROFINET Controller.
The example include source code for licence free use.
Example was developed and include a wrapper for the Siemens IO-Base interface environments.
More about PROFIdrive Controller can be found here ...
PROFIdrive Device 1
The PROFIdrive Device Example is used to realize Drive and Encoder devices according to PROFIdrive and ENCODER profile specification.
The example include source code for licence free use.
Examples was developed for a Hilscher netX platform, contains wrapper to Hilscher stack interface.
More about this Example can be found here ...
PROFIdrive Device 2
The PROFIdrive Device Example is used to realize Drive devices according to PROFIdrive profile specification.
The example include source code for licence free use.
Examples was developed for a Siemens ERTEC, contains wrapper to ERTEC stack interface.
It provides all the necessary functions to create a drive for AC1 (application class 1) or AC4 (application class 4).
More about this Example can be found here ...

You will find on, and YouTube some Live Demo videos for the Application Class 1 + 3 + 4.

The PROFIdrive Profile Tester supports the development of PROFINET devices with PROFIdrive or ENCODER Profile application interfaces. It can be used as a means for preparation of the PROFIdrive certification and also as test tool to run self-programmed test scripts.

The new PROFIdrive Device Example is available for download for all project members.
Link: PROFIdrive Device 2
PROFIdrive is implemented by the application example presented here. The "Drive application" is simulated in the application example by a simple simulation (PT1 element).