
Release notes summary






  • update version of hboot_image_compiler 0.1.0 to 1.0.0

    • Change to MIT license - Changed from GPLv2 to MIT license

    • Remove OpenSSL support - Removed support for generating a secure USIP chunk (The compiler will no longer be able to sign it but only create a non-secure one)

      • Removed support for generating HTBL chunk

      • Removed support for generating ASIG chunk

      • Removed ROM Root Key support

      • Removed support for generating netX4000 signed chunks: RootCert, LicenseCert, CR7Software, CA9Software (Left the possibility to read the already signed chunks from a file)

      • Removed OpenSSL and keyrom command-line arguments

      • Show error messages when the user tries to: generate a signed USIP chunk, generate HTBL or ASIG chunks, generate signed netX4000 chunks

    • Replace GCC ARM Embedded with elf python module from hil_nxt_hboot_elf_update - Replaced GCC ARM Embedded (4.9.3) readelf/objdump/objcopy with elf python module from hil_nxt_hboot_elf_update

    • Integrate hil_nxt_hboot_image_update and hil_nxt_hboot_elf_update tools

      • The HBoot headers and File Headers V3 of the generated COM/APP HBoot image(s) are updated

      • Patch the input ELF file using the updated HBoot image(s)

      • Added -o/--output-elf-file argument for specifying the output file for the patched ELF


  • update version of hboot_image_sign 0.9.3 to 0.9.7

    • 0.9.7

      • Added support for signing ELF files

      • Added support for signing USIP with root key

      • Updated to hil_nxt_hboot_image_update v0.0.13

      • Show an error when the SKIP chunk reserved for HTBL chunk is incomplete

    • 0.9.6

      • Switched from tlslite-ng to cryptography python library for all cryptographic operations

      • Removed EC keys support

      • Resolved a bug that caused the tool to fail because the extended image part could not be found when used on Linux

      • Updated to hil_nxt_hboot_image_update v0.0.12: Changed to MIT license

      • Changed to MIT license

    • 0.9.5

      • Added support to sign/verify/remove signature of WFP archives

      • Added short summary at the end of the sign/verify/remove commands when used with fwupdate, WFP or a directory

      • Resolved a bug that caused the tool to write the fwupdate output file with an incorrect file extension when the input is a directory

      • Upgraded to Python 3.11

    • 0.9.4

      • Added -n/--netx-type and -db/--disable-asig-signed-binding arguments to verify command

      • Improved CLI API help text for extended firmware images


  • update version of hwconfig tool 4.0.3 to 4.1.7

    • 4.1.7

      • Disable peripheral 10Mbps SPE/APL Dual MII

      • Hardware configurations from the previous version v4.1.6 can be compiled without updating the file

      • Release the HWConfig tool under the MIT license.

    • 4.1.6

      • Ask for password for PHY0 MII1 when the peripheral is instantiated.

    • 4.1.5

      • Add the peripheral category '10 Mbps SPE/APL' containing peripherals for use with external PHYs: MII1, Dual MII (MII0 + MII 1) and PHY0 MII1 (internal PHY0 and external PHY on MII1, proprietary).

    • 4.1.4

      • Enabled the 'phy0' peripheral

      • Add first help file for SQI devices parameter

    • 4.1.3

      • Changed the handling of the 'activate XIP' macro

      • Renamed the 'read_only' attribute of the SQI devices tag to 'attributes_to_change'

      • The 'verify' attribute of the SQI device tag was made mandatory

    • 4.1.2

      • Rename the "verify_device" attribute of the device tag to "verify"

    • 4.1.1

      • Insert a <devices> tag into custom SQI configurations, but not into non-custom ones. Add the attribute read_only="false".

      • Return an error if the SQI configuration already contains a <devices> tag.

      • make_hboot_xml:

        • accept non-custom SQI configurations without <devices> tag.

    • 4.1.0

      • update_hwconfig:

        • Improved formatting of output files, removed empty lines

        • Replace chip type alias (netx90) with the proper chip type that was valid for the document version (currently always netx90 -> netx90_rev1)

      • list_overlays:
        without board ID list all matching overlays. (bugfix)

      • make_hboot_xml:
        Process device ID information in <devices> and XIP activation/deactivation macros in <verbatim>
        Generate XIP activation macro to detect flash type and check QE bit





Changes in this version

Changes in this version

Changes in integrated tools

Changes in integrated tools

hboot_image_compiler version  


hwconfig version 


hboot_image_sign version 

Known issues in this version

Known issues in this version

Known issues in integrated tools

Known issues in integrated tools

hboot_image_compiler version 


hwconfig version 


hboot_image_sign version 





