PDO Upload
PDO Upload
nota bene:
- In order to be able to use this feature, Hilscher EtherCAT Master Firmware V4.4.0.1 or newer shall be used.
- Works only with MDP slaves
In SYCON.net, after a successful network scan or a manual offline configuration of EtherCAT Slaves:
- the bus state shall Pre-Operational or Operational
- set the Slave DTM online (menu Connect)
- with the feature online parameterization (menu Configuration → Online Parameterize) CoE objects can be uploaded:
- SDOs, Device idents too
- PDOs (process data configuration)
- see the screenshots below:
- The dialog Online Parameterize
- SDO Upload
- PDO Upload.
Perform "Synchronize" in order to use the Device Data (uploaded PDOs) for the device configuration in the DTM (SYCON.net).
, multiple selections available,
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