EtherCAT device identification in different XML files/schemas
Jing Li
EtherCAT device identificationin different XML files/schemas
An EtherCAT device identificationcontains three elements: Vendor Id, ProductCode and Revision Number.
These elements are defined in EtherCAT Slave Information file, DTMInformationSchema and FDTEtherCATIdentSchema. And FDTEtherCATScanIdentSchema uses DTMInformationSchema to define the scan response XML.
The following table illustrates the mapping of identifier definition in these files/schemas.
Idetifier | EtherCAT Slave Information file | FDTEtherCATIdentSchema/ FDTEtherCATScanIdentSchema | DTMInformationSchema |
Vendor Id (Data type: UINT32) | Element "Id"
Element data type: string, represents a decimal number like "2" or represents a hexidecimal value wiht prefix #x and eight hexidecimal numbers, e.g. "#x00000078". XPath: /EtherCATInfo/Vendor/Id
| Attribute "vendorID"
Attribute data type: ui4 XPath in FDTEtherCATScanIdentSchema: /FDT/ScanIdentifications/ScanIdentification/VendorId@vendorID
| Attribute "manufacturerId"
Attribute data type: ui4 XPath:/FDT/DtmInfo/DtmDeviceTypes/DtmDeviceType@manufacturerId
The manufacturerId tag holds the vendor’s ID number, as it should be retrieved from • either the device description file (XPath /EtherCATInfo /Vendor/Id), or • the SII (address 0x0008), or • the CoE dictionary (object 0x1018:1). For the purpose of displaying or editing, the hexadecimal notation should be used. |
Product code (Data type: UINT32) | Attribute "ProductCode"
Attribute data type: string, with prefix #x and eight hexidecimal numbers. e.g. #x00010002. XPath: /EtherCATInfo/Devices/Device/Type@ProductCode | Attribute "productCode"
Attribute data type: ui4 XPath in FDTEtherCATScanIdentSchema: /FDT/ScanIdentifications/ScanIdentification/ProductCode@productCode | Attribute "deviceTypeId"
Attribute data type: ui4 XPath:/FDT/DtmInfo/DtmDeviceTypes/DtmDeviceType@deviceTypeId
The deviceTypeId must contain the device type identifier according to the EtherCAT specification, as it should be derived from either • the device description file (XPath /EtherCATInfo /Descriptions /Devices /Device /Type @ProductCode), or • the SII (address 0x000A), or • the CoE dictionary (object 0x1018:2). For the purpose of displaying or editing, the hexadecimal notation should be used.
Revision number (Data type: UINT32) | Attribute "RevisionNo"
Attribute data type: string, with prefix #x and eight hexidecimal numbers. e.g. #x00010002. XPath: /EtherCATInfo/Devices/Device/Type/@RevisionNo | Attribute "revisionNo"
Attribute data type: ui4 XPath in FDTEtherCATScanIdentSchema: /FDT/ScanIdentifications/ScanIdentification/RevisionNo@revisionNo | Attribute "subDeviceType"
Attribute data type: string XPath:/FDT/DtmInfo/DtmDeviceTypes/DtmDeviceType@subDeviceType
The version tag holds the string representation of an unsigned 32 bit integer in hexadecimal that is equivalent to an EtherCAT’s device revision number. This number is preceded by a hash character and the lower case character Latin x and should be retrieved from • either the device description file (XPath /EtherCATInfo /Description /Devices /Device /Type @RevisionNo), or • the SII (address 0x000C), or • the CoE dictionary (object 0x1018:3). If the number is shorter than eight hexadecimal digits, it is padded by leading zeros. For example: #x00010002 |