CIF 50 - PLX9050 vs. PLX9030 [EN]

CIF 50 - PLX9050 vs. PLX9030 [EN]


The CIF 50-PB with Chipset 9050 is precious for customers who already use 9050.

This one is no longer produced.

9030 is the new chipset actually, 9050 is the older one.

Newest Chipset 9030:

Old Chipset 9050:


The 9050 chipset needs 5V power. 9030 can be use for 3.3V or 5V and uses the newest Driver. It will not work with the older driver.

There are also differences in the needed Firmwareversions:

To indicate which Firmware has to be used, you may check the serialnumber of the CIF Card.

Serialnumber <10000 and hardware revision up to 2 = PB.H62

Serialnumber >10000 and hardware revision from 3 = PBC50.E2B

When changing from 9050 to 9030, the driver has to be updated. 9050 is also compatible with the latest driver.

the latest Driver is available here:
