Will netHOST work with CODESYS like an integrated cifX card?


Will netHOST work with CODESYS like an integrated cifX card?


No it will not since the driver used in CODESYS has nothing in common with Hilscher's provided drivers dlls.

The CODESYS driver is an own development by 3S and a Windows realtime kernel driver. It does not use Hilschers cifX standard dll which is a precondition to change from cifX to netHOST and vice versa.

If 3S would have been using our standard cifX dll then it wouldn't be a problem to change over to a netHOST. Only 3S can develop a new driver for netHOST, Hilscher can't cause Company 3S has sovereignty over all Codesys PC card drivers (...and netHOST is a kind of PC card)