How can I define global values that are accessible in a display?


How can I define global values that are accessible in a display?


There are two types of global variables that can be defined

1.) Single variables can be defined under "Global Parameters/Add Global Parameter"
2.) A list of variables can be defined under "Global Parameters/Add Global List"

Example of a single variable:

First define the name and the value of your global parameter

It will then appear under Global Parameters

As next your display where the global value is needed in needs a parameter of the type "global" in its parameters.

Define a reasonable name and as Value-Type select "global".

Whenever your display is now used on your web application the user can make a selection of the global parameter in the attributes list.

In the script code of your display you get the value using the webMI.query[] function.

In accordance to the example above the instruction

var MyValue = webMI.query["Value"]; 

will assign the value 1000 to MyValue as defined as global value.