What is the purpose of the plugin installed during the atvise software setup procedure?


What is the purpose of the plugin installed during the atvise software setup procedure?


When you install ativse from the product DVD the installation procedure offers you two setups.

The first setup is the ativse Builder tool which is a 1:1 copy of the original installation file coming from Certec www.ativse.com

The second setup is an extended plugin that is

  • licensing ativse Builder for using it in conjunction with Hilscher netSCADA devices
  • installing the symbolizer functions to allow interpretation of Siemens STEP 7 projects and their data contents
  • installing the process data editor that allows the user to enter symbols and data points in a matrix fromat
  • installing the basic setup function to scan for netSCADA devices on the LAN

Without the installing the plugin Hilscher devices can't get operative.