How can I access the sensorEDGE device internal OPC UA server with external tools such as UA Expert?


How can I access the sensorEDGE device internal OPC UA server with external tools such as UA Expert?

To enable external tools like UA Expert to access the sensorEDGE device's internal OPC UA Server, firewall settings rules need to be configured.

Use the sensorEDGE Web UI and open the "Networking→ Firewall" dialog

Use the "Add Zone" function as next

Configure the "Zone" as follows and 

Click "Save Permanent ..." afterwards

As next click "Forward Ports"

Fill out the form as follows and click "Add Port"

Click "Save Permanent ..." again

Now you are able to access the device internal OPC UA server via external tools such as UA Expert over port 4840.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is crucial to acknowledge that implementing port forwarding as outlined above carries significant security risks and should only be utilized for demonstration and testing purposes. This method of port forwarding must be promptly removed once the device is deployed under real-time conditions.