In the installation of a program can not be finished successful

To find the reason of the problem log file should be created.

In the command line run: 

" V<setup version> Setup.exe" /V"/L*v C:\Setup.log"

Example: " V1.0400.170125.19044 Setup.exe" /V"/L*v C:\Setup.log"

Than analyze log file for errors.

Error 1722

Fehler 1722. Es liegt ein dieses Windows Installer-Paket betreffendes Problem vor. Ein Programm, das im Rahmen der Installation ausgeführt wurde, wurde nicht erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Wenden Sie sich an das Supportpersonal oder den Hersteller des Pakets. Aktion: _F7916180_286A_45A8_AF6A_3D6E39767047, Pfad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Hilscher GmbH\SYCONnet\ProfiBusSlaveDTM\GSDSRV.exe, Befehl: /RegServer 

The server "GSDSRV.exe" is already registered. It should be unregistered to install successful.


Check file "GSDSRV.exe" is also exists in folder %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Hilscher GmbH\SYCONnet\ProfiBusSlaveDTM\GSDSRV.exe

  1. If "GSDSRV.exe" exists, than make follows:
    1. Unregister this server.
      Run in command line as Administrator:
      %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Hilscher GmbH\SYCONnet\ProfiBusSlaveDTM\GSDSRV.exe /UnregServer
    2. Remove this file

  2. If "GSDSRV.exe" no exists, than Registries should be cleaned. Use CCleaner (Download Free Version:, install it).
    1. Select "Registry" → check "ActiveX and Class Issues"
    2. Click "Scan for Issues" and select issues with "GSDSRV.exe"
    3. Click "Fix selected Issues"