Data Acquisition, Data Processing and IT/Cloud interfaces

Data Acquisition, Data Processing and IT/Cloud interfaces

The tables below illustrates the interaction between data acquisition, data processing and data provisioning for IT/Cloud
applications with a netIOT Edge Gateway. Some data acquisition modules can be used multiple times in a single gateway
to manage connections to multiple devices, also if they attached to different shop floor networks. This capability is called
here as single or multi network / device.

1. Data acquisition via OPC UA Client

Data CapturingData ProcessingIT/Cloud Interface(S)ingle / (M)ulti network
node-RED OPC UA Client nodeNode RED nodesNode-RED nodesM

2. Data acquisition via Edge Server

Data CapturingData ProcessingIT/Cloud Interface(S)ingle / (M)ulti network
Edge Server service running on the gateway-OPC UA ServerS
Edge Server service running on the gatewayNode-RED (via OPC UA Client or RESTful API)Node-RED nodesS
Edge Server service running on the gateway-RESTful APIS

3.  Data acquisition via PLC access

Data CapturingData ProcessingIT/Cloud Interface(S)ingle / (M)ulti network
node-RED S7Comm (SIMANTIC S7-300/1200/1500) nodeNode-RED nodesNode-RED nodesM

4. Data acquisition via IO Device (slave) integration

Data CapturingData ProcessingIT/Cloud Interface(S)ingle / (M)ulti network
node-RED IO Device (slave mode) nodeNode-RED nodesNode-RED nodesS

The combination of IO device (slave mode) and Passive Fieldbus Integration is not supported, because both capturing modes using
the same industrial ethernet interface. Otherwise, multiple capturing options can be combined.

5. Data acquisition via Passive Fieldbus integration

Data CapturingData ProcessingIT/Cloud Interface(S)ingle / (M)ulti network
Passive Fieldbus integration service, running on the gatewayBy any application running on Docker Custom API on DockerS
Passive Fieldbus integration service, running on the gatewayNode-RED nodesNode-RED nodesS
Passive Fieldbus integration service, running on the gateway-OPC UA ServerS

The combination of IO device (slave mode) and Passive Fieldbus Integration is not supported, because both capturing modes using
the same industrial ethernet interface. Otherwise, multiple capturing options can be combined.

6. Data acquisition via MQTT

Data CapturingData ProcessingIT/Cloud Interface(S)ingle / (M)ulti network
via pre-installed MQTT Broker and node-RED MQTT nodesNode-RED nodesNode-RED nodes (pub)M
via pre-installed MQTT BrokerBy any application running on Docker or in the IT environment with integrated MQTT client.MQTT client (sub)M