FAQ netIOT Edge
All FAQs
- What is the Edge Gateway Manager?
- How can I get access to the Edge Gateway Manager?
- Why is a web browser reporting "insecure connection" when accessing a gateway the first time?
- What is the Edge Gateway's default web login?
- The gateways embed the IoT programming tool Node-RED, how do I get access to it?
- Does a gateway provide non IP address based access using a hostname?
- Does a gateway provide DHCP server based IP address assignment?
- If a gateway has a LAN port #2, what is its IP address?
- How can I recover a gateway to factory default settings?
- Is there a method to backup and restore configuration settings?
- Which TCP/UDP ports are the gateways listening to by default?
- NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-xx gateways provide display interfaces. Do I need them for normal operation?
- What is the power button on the gateway doing when pushed?
- How long does the gateway's boot procedure take until it is ready for communication?
- Which Wifi operating modes are supported in case a gateway supports wireless connectivity?
- My Node-RED flow apparently seems to lock Node-RED, how can I delete this flow?
- Which baudrates do the gateways standard Ethernet LAN ports support?
- Can I install additional nodes in Node-RED myself?
- What is the gateway's DHCP Client-ID provided to a DHCP server during configuration procedure?
- Does the gateway include an MQTT broker?
- Where can I get an OPC UA server to test the gateway's OPC UA client with?
- Can I install own or third party software on an Edge Gateway?
- Profinet IO devices are identified through their names on the network. What is the gateway's default Profinet device name?
- Where do I get the GSDML file for an Edge Gateway from to configure it with a Profinet master engineering tool?
- I want to connect to IBMs Watson IoT platform in Node-RED. How do I do that?
- Can I have a local SQL data base in Node-RED where to store data to?
- Gateways NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-xx by design are Docker hosts only. Isn't there a method turning them into a container development platform nevertheless?
- Can I get access to a Gateway using a tool like PuTTY?
- Docker images for NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-xx devices can be built automated on the web, how does that work?
- Are there Docker example images / containers for NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-xx available?
- Does gateway software run slower if it is running "dockerized" in containers?
- The gateways NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-xx provide display connectors. Can I use them for a local desktop for example?
- Can I get SSH access to the gateways?
- Which video display standards do gateways NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-xx follow?
- How big can a backup file get?
- How can I start and stop services on the netIOT Edge Gateway?
- Web UI of the Asset Intelligence Network is inaccessible.