netRAPID Download Package 2023-07-1

netRAPID Download Package 2023-07-1

Release Notes


  • Updated memory component support
  • Phase out of IOT Solution Firmware for NRP51

Note: We reserve the right to make technical changes without prior notice.

Phase Out Information

Product Updates for supporting new flash-types

An essential aspect of Hilscher's product lifecycle management process is around maintaining existing products to guarantee sustained availability for our valued customers.

The flash component used in numerous Hilscher products was discontinued as part of the manufacturer's portfolio streamlining. In order to offer our customers a long-term and future-proof alternative, we will use flash components that support the SFDP (Serial Flash Discoverable Parameter) standard. This ensures that our products remain compatible with evolving hardware requirements and ensures a seamless user experience.

In scenarios where protocol firmware versions come in two variants within the software download package, both versions are fully compatible with the hardware currently being shipped.

Through a Product Change Notification (PCN) in the upcoming months, Hilscher will inform that, starting from a new hardware revision, the corresponding firmware generation, specifically the latest version available in the software download package, must be used.


To provide clarity on firmware generation status and versioning, we have outlined a comprehensive description, available at the following link: https://hilscher.atlassian.net/wiki/x/KQBQBg

In scenarios with two variants, one firmware is then used for an evolution without API and function change, only including support for Flash types supporting SFDP, and the other one, the latest recommended firmware generation, represents the latest technology maintained and enhanced by new features. 

Hilscher will send a PCN document with detailed descriptions of the compatibility of each affected product with at least 6 months notice before the change, to ensure a smooth update-timeframe for the firmware.

Phase Out Information

IOT solution LFW V1 phase out

Due to development consolidation and efficiency improvements, we phased out IOT solution LFW V1 by end of 2022.
Means no features will be added anymore and there will be no support of latest test bundles for certification.

Replacement will be by netRAPID 90 with IOT solution LFW V2.

Getting Started

Software Installation

 Click here to expand...

cifX Device Driver & Device Driver Toolkit 

Install the cifX device driver on your host system to gain access to the netRAPID Evaluationboard

→ ...\Driver_&_Toolkit\Device Driver (NXDRV-WIN)\Installation\cifX Device Driver Setup.exe

Or develop your own device driver to gain access to the netRAPID Evaluationboard

→ ...\Driver_&_Toolkit\ Driver Toolkit (NXDRV-TKIT) 

USB diagnostic driver 

Install the USB diagnostic drivers to gain access to netRAPID Evaluationboard

→ ...\ Driver_&_Toolkit\netX Diagnostics and Remote Access (NXDIAG)\netX10 USB Driver for Windows\V6.0.9.0\setup.exe

→ ...\ Driver_&_Toolkit\netX Diagnostics and Remote Access (NXDIAG)\netX USB CDC Drivers for Windows\netX50_51_52_100_4x000\setup.exe

→ ...\ Driver_&_Toolkit\netX Diagnostics and Remote Access (NXDIAG)\netX USB CDC Drivers for Windows\netX51_52_4000_4100_Dummy\setup.exe

Bootwizard & TAG-List editor

Install Bootwizard to download a second stage bootlaoder (SSBL) into netRAPID

→ …\Software_&_Tools\Configuration_Software\Bootwizard...

Install TAG-List Editor to customize and adapt a second stage bootloader (SSBL)

→ …\Software_&_Tools\Configuration_Software\TAG-List Editor...

Configuration Tool SYCON.net

Install SYCON.net to load a communication firmware into netRAPID Evaluationboard and to set up a network configuration

→ …\Software_&_Tools\Configuration_Software\SYCON.net

Auxiliary Tool: netHOST

Install netHOST to easily load a communication firmware into netRAPID Evaluationboard and to test your configured network communication.

→ …\Software_&_Tools\Tools\netHost…

First Steps

 Click here to expand...

For a detailed instruction how to set up your netRAPID Evaluationboard, please follow the "Getting Started" Manual.

→ …\Documentation\netRAPID Manuals


For full support with the Hilscher tool chain, the minimum firmware listed on this Product Download Package has to be used. For the latest version, please visit the Hilscher Knowledge Base regularly.


Documentation for all hard- and software components included in this Product Download Package is available on the path: …\Documentation\...

The Documentation Library on the Hilscher Knowledgebase includes further documents: Documentation Library


The documentation can be downloaded at:

Driver & Toolkit

Device Driver

Device Driver Windows (NXDRV-WIN)

Operating SystemWindows XPWindows VistaWindows 7
Windows 8/8.1Windows 10
(Desktop / Secure Boot)

Windows 10
(Server 2019)

Windows 11
Driver VersionV1.0.0.0V1.0.0.0V1.0.0.0V1.2.3.0>= V1.3.0.0 (2018-03-1)V2.5.1.0V2.6.0.0

For other operting systems or toolkit follow the link.

Firmware, EDS, Examples

Software & Tools

Configuration Tool


Operating System Windows 2000Windows XP SP3Windows Vista SP2Windows 7Windows 8Windows 8.1Windows 10Windows 11



Supported Hardware and Protocols

CC-Link IE Field Basic









Controlled Node





NRP 52-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
NRP 51-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Product Features

Host interfaceDiagnostic interface



Raw Ethernet (NDIS)6) 

TCP socket
interface 6)

OPC UA Server
& MQTT Client 7)
Memory OptionsIntegrated




CC-Link IE Field Basic SlaveNRP 52-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(error) 1)(tick) 1)(error)(error)(error)(error)4 MByte(error)(tick)
EtherCAT SlaveNRP 52-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(error) 1)(tick) 1)(error)(error)(error)(error)4 MByte(error)(tick)
EtherNet/IP AdapterNRP 52-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(error) 1)(tick) 1)(error)(error)(tick) 4)(error)4 MByte(error)(tick)

Modbus/TCP Client/Server

NRP 52-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(error) 1)(error) 1)(error)(error)(error)(error)4 MByte(error)(tick)

POWERLINK Controlled Node

NRP 52-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(error) 1)(tick) 1)(error)(error)(tick) 4)(error)4 MByte(error)(tick)


NRP 52-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(error) 1)(tick) 1)(error)(error)(tick) 4)(error)4 MByte(error)(tick)

Sercos Slave

NRP 52-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(error) 1)(tick) 1)(error)(error)(error)(error)4 MByte(error)(tick)

CC-Link IE Field Basic SlaveNRP 51-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(error) 1)(tick) 1)(error)(error)(error)(error)4 MByte8 MByte(error)
EtherCAT SlaveNRP 51-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(error) 1)(tick) 1)(error)(error)(error)(error)4 MByte8 MByte(error)
EtherNet/IP AdapterNRP 51-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(error) 1)(tick) 1)(tick) 2)(tick) 3)(tick) 5)
(tick)7)4 MByte8 MByte(error)
Modbus/TCP Client/ServerNRP 51-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(error) 1)(error) 1)(tick) 2)(error)(error)(error)4 MByte8 MByte(error)
POWERLINK Controlled NodeNRP 51-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(error) 1)(tick) 1)(tick) 2)(error)(error)(error)4 MByte8 MByte(error)
PROFINET IO DeviceNRP 51-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(error) 1)(tick) 1)(tick) 2)(tick) 3)(tick) 5)
(tick)7)4 MByte8 MByte(error)
Sercos SlaveNRP 51-RE(tick)(tick)(tick)(error) 1)(tick) 1)(tick) 2)(tick) 3)(tick) 5)
(error)4 MByte8 MByte(error)


1) Shared pins, means either SYNC 0/1 or Diagnostic UART can be used. SYNC 0/1 is activated as default. Can be changed via SSBL TAG-List.

2) The integrated WebServer is activated as default, but can be deactivated via Firmware TAG-List.

3) The NDIS functionality is deactivated as default, but can be activated via Firmware TAG-List.
   Real-Time Ethernet will be offered to the host in Channel 0, NDIS and TCP socket in channel 1 and in IoT communication in channel 2.
   Channel 1 (NDIS and TCP socket interface) and Channel 2 (IOT communication) can only be accessed in SPM host interface mode. In DPM host interface mode only Channel 0 (RTE) can physically be adressed

4) LWIP TCP stack is used, which has a different API (socket API) than the Hilscher  TCP stack.

5) Hilscher  TCP stack is used, which has a different API (HIL TCP API) than LWIP TCP stack.

6) NDIS and TCP socket interface can only be accessed in SPM host interface mode, because only Channel 0 can be physically adressed in DPM mode.

7) OPC UA Server and MQTT Client can only be accessed in SPM host interface mode, because only Channel 0 can be physically adressed in DPM mode. The firmware is obsolte and not recommended for new projects. New generation: netRAPID 90

To meet the different requirements of an embedded Design, two versions of netRAPID for Real-Time Ethernet will be offered


 Extended Memory

  • Optimized for maximum functional possibilities
  • Without magnetics; need to be placed on the customer design
  • With SDRAM
  • DPM and SPM host interface mode

Enhanced communication & IOT-Ready

  • Real-Time Ethernet Slave communication
  • USB diagnostic
  • Integrated WebServer for firmware update (PNS, EIS, OMB, S3S, PLS)
  • In SPM mode:
    • TCP socket interface to the host
      (EIS, PNS, S3S)
    • Raw Ethernet (NDIS) interface to the host
      (EIS, PNS, S3S)
    • Integrated OPC UA server and MQTT client
      (PNS, EIS)


 Minimum space

  • Optimized for minimum space requirements
  • With magnetics
  • Without SDRAM; sole usage of the netX 52 internal RAM
  • DPM and SPM host interface mode

Pure communication

  • Real-Time Ethernet Slave communication
  • USB diagnostic
Host interface channel structure of NRP 51-RE

Note1: Real-Time Ethernet will be offered to the host in Channel 0, NDIS and TCP socket in channel 1 and in future IoT communication in channel 2.

            Channel 1 (NDIS and TCP socket interface) and Channel 2 (IoT communication) can only be accessed in SPM host interface mode.

     In DPM host interface mode only Channel 0 can physically be adressed. There is no access to Channel 1 and Channel 2.

Note2:  netRAPID 51-RE owns 4 MAC addresses (MAC0 to MAC3), which will be provided per default from the Hilscher MAC address pool.

            MAC0 will be used for RTE communication in channel 0. MAC1 and MAC2 are reserved for Real-Time Ethernet. MAC3 will be used for Raw Ethernet.

            TCP socket in channel 1 and future IoT communication in channel 2 will use the same MAC0 and IP as the RTE communication.

            Raw Ethernet in channel 1 will use MAC3. IP address will be provided from the host application.

Product Download Package

  File Modified

ZIP Archive netRAPID_2023-07-1.zip

2023-08-04 by Simon Fischer

ZIP Archive Software_&_Tools_netRAPID_2023-07-1.zip

2023-08-04 by Simon Fischer

ZIP Archive Driver_&_Toolkit_netRAPID_2023-07-1.zip

2023-08-04 by Simon Fischer

ZIP Archive Documentation_netRAPID_2023-07-1.zip

2023-08-04 by Simon Fischer

ZIP Archive Firmware,_EDS,_Examples,_Webpages_netRAPID_2023-07-1.zip

2023-08-04 by Simon Fischer

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