ART Guide for Profinet Tools "2021-07-29_PN-test"

ART Guide for Profinet Tools "2021-07-29_PN-test"

Testbundle Info

The certification test by the Laboratory of the PI Organization is carried out according to the yearly updated testbundle, which contains the software, documents and instructions required for the test. Also, for a certain testbundle there are a first and last day for the certification test application and a real stop for the certification. More information are listed in the following tables:

RT Tests (device and controller)

Standard/Guideline (PNO/PI)

Electronic TCs
Tested functionalityStatusFirst day for application
for certification test (BOT)
Last day for application
for certification test (EOT)
Real stop for the certification
EOT + 6 months
CurrentV2.4 MU2V2.42 Jan. 2021

included in Test bundle July 2021

ART V2.42.1.2

PNIO_Version V2.4, V2.41, V2.42
CC-D & RSI not tested

mostly automated, some manual tests/checks

2021-07-302022-08-312023-02-28V2.4 /
V2.41 /
PreviousV2.4 MU1V2.41 Jan. 2020included in Test
bundle May 2020
ART V2.41.0.2PNIO_Version V2.35, V2.4, V2.41,
CC-D & RSI not tested
mostly automated,
some manual tests
2020-05-132021-09-302022-03-31V2.35 /
V2.4 /
PROFIenergy Test

Version Standard/
Guideline (PNO/PI)

Electronic TCsTested
StatusFirst day for application
for certification test (BOT)
Last day for application
for certification test (EOT)
Real stop for the certification
EOT + 6 months
CurrentV1.3 Sep. 2019V2.42 Jan. 2021included in Test
bundle July 2021
integrated in PNTB
(ART tester)
V 1.1, V 1.2mostly automated,
some manual tests
PreviousV1.3 Sep. 2019V2.41 Jan. 2020included in Test
bundle May 2020
integrated in PNTB
(ART tester)
V 1.1, V 1.2mostly automated,
some manual tests


  • Test PC (T): Windows 10® 64 Bit Professional, Version 20H2, with at least 4 GB RAM and network card (4 ports preferred) connected to the PCI slot.
    Note: Many network interfaces will be needed. Also separate network cards can be used, IF1, IF2, IF3, …
  • PLC (A)Simatic CPU 1516-3 PN/DP V2.8 or V2.6, Order Number MLFB 6ES7 516-3AN02-0AB0 or MLFB 6ES7 516-3AN01-0AB0.

  • Neighbor I/O Device (B): Simatic Scalance X204IRT V 5.5.0, Order Number 6GK5 204-0BA00-2BA3 (For copper ports).
  • Neighbor I/O Device (D): Simatic ET 200SP IM 155-6 PN HF, Order Number 6ES7 155-6AU01-0CN0 with port module CU/CU and with one DI8x24VDC ST module, MLFB 6ES7 131-6BF01-0BA0 and one DQ8x24VDC0,5A ST module, MLFB 6ES7 132-6BF01-0BA0.

  • Once Non PROFINET Device (“D”): CISCO SF352-08P-K9-EU

  • Once Non PROFINET Device (“D”): Aruba 2530 8G-Switch (J9777A)
  • Device Under Test (DUT): The PN I/O device to be tested.
  • Power Supply (Input 230V AC/Output 24V DC), if it needed for the DUT.

  • Tow Ethernet cables, each one has 10 m length.
  • Optional: Power Outlet: Remote controlled power outlet with 8 sockets. NETPowerControl.



The different setups can be found in the document2021-07-29_PN-test/Testspec-PN_2572_V242_Jan21.pdf”. The following list clears the used components and their configurations in the different test setups:

  • A” IOC CC C: PROFINET Input/Output Controller with Conformance Class “C”. NameOfStation “a”, IP Address, Mask, Gateway
  • B” IOD CC C: PROFINET Input/Output Device with Conformance Class “C”. NameOfStation “b”, IP Address, Mask, Gateway (PN switch with at least three ports, see hardware section).
  • D IOD CC C: PROFINET Input/Output Device with Conformance Class “C”. NameOfStation “d”, IP Address, Mask, Gateway
  • E” IOD CC C: PROFINET Input/Output Device with Conformance Class “C”. NameOfStation “e”, IP Address, Mask, Gateway (not used for Hilscher devices).
  • G” : PROFINET cable with 10 m length.
  • T: PN-Tester: PROFINET test system, IP Address, Mask, Gateway
  • DUT” : PROFINET Device to be tested (Device Under Test). NameOfStation “dut”, IP Address, Mask, Gateway
  • Power outlet”: Remote controlled power outlet. IP Address with normally default username “admin” and password “anel”.
  • PS”: Power supply.
  • IF1”: The PN Tester network interface with the IP address:
  • IF2”: The Power outlet network interface with the IP address:
  • IF3”: The PN Tester network interface for the system redundancy tests, with the IP address:
  • IF4”: Not used for Hilscher devices.

Power Control

  1. Open in your Internet browser the page “http://net-controlor enter in the browser tab the IP address “”. Note: The IP address of the interface (IF2) to which the Power Outlet connected must be set to
  2. Enter the username “admin” and the password “anel”.

  3. The sockets with the numbers 1,2,3 and 4 are important for the tests, the other sockets will not be used here.

Note: If you want to use the Power Control, “Power outlet”, you can activate it as a power supply option when you create a new ART project as the following:

Create a folder called “PowerOutlet” in the “Automated RT-Tester” documents folder. This folder is the same one where the Automated RT Tester project files are saved by default, and is usually found in the user's documents folder (e.g., “~\Documents\Automated RT Tester”). Then copy and paste the synaccess.dll file (to be found in: Testbundle 2021-07-29 Release\2021-07-29_PN-Test\PN-Test\add_on_power-outlet) into the new PowerOutlet directory (e.g., ~\Documents\Automated RT Tester\PowerOutlet\synaccess.dll).


To do all the tests in the automated RT tester, prepare the TIA Portal projects needed for the standard test and the other specific tests. Creating a new ART project will be also cleared below.

TIA Portal Projects

There are many projects needed depending on the device.

  • If the DUT is RT device and/or has a one AR then, the Standard Test Setup, the MRP Setup and the Non-PROFINET-Neighbor Setup projects are needed.
  • If the DUT is IRT device and more than a one AR then, the Standard Test Setup, the MRP Test Setup, the Non-PROFINET-Neighbor Setup and Multiple IOC ARs with IRT Test Setup projects are needed.

Note: You need to install the software “TIA Portal Version V15” or newer for the current testbundle. The software version V16 is used in the following projects.

Standard Test Project

  1. Download the following project example: StandardTestSetupFO_V16.7z and extract it.
  2. Open the folder “StandardTestSetupFO_V16” then open “StandardTestSetupFO_V16.ap16”.
  3. Delete the old “dut” from the new project.

  4. If the new device (dut) does not exist in the device catalog in TIA - Software, add it (General Station Description) as follows: Go to Options → Manage general station description files (GSD), then choose the specific GSDML file and install it.

  5. Find the new device in the device catalog and build the “standard setup”, see the Standard Test Setup below.
  6. Use Device Configuration Setup Tool from Hilscher to set the NameOfStation for all devices.

  7. Change the device name to “dut”, change the IP address to “”, change the cycle time to “1ms”, change the RT class to “RT”.
    • Device (not yet “dut”) → Properties → General → Name: dut
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Ethernet addresses → IP protocol → IP address:
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Advanced options → Real time settings → IO cycle → Update time: 1ms
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Advanced options → Real time settings → Synchronization → RT class: RT

  8. Add the modules to be used to the right slots in the Device View. Note: The modules used in this example project are fixed and be added automatically in the project.

  9. Check in the topology view that no device is connected.
  10. Download the project in the CPU 1516.
  11. Check if the Error LED on the CPU 1516 is green (no errors) and nothing is blinking red then go online in TIA Portal and check if everything is green.
  12. Go offline.

Multiple IOC ARs with IRT Test Project

  1. Download the following project example: Multiple IOC ARs with IRT_V16.7z and extract it.
  2. Open the folder “Multiple IOC ARs with IRT_V16 then open “Multiple IOC ARs with IRT_V16.ap16”.
  3. Delete the old DUT from the new project.

  4. If the new device (dut) does not exist in the device catalog in TIA-Software, add it (General Station Description) as follows: go to Options → Manage general station description files (GSD), then choose the specific GSDML file and install it.

  5. Find the new device in the device catalog and build the “Multiple IOC ARs with IRT Project”, see the Standard Test Setup below.
  6. Use Device Configuration Setup Tool from Hilscher to set the NameOfStation for all devices.

  7. Change the device name to “dut”, change the IP address to “”, change the cycle time to “1ms”, change the RT class to “IRT”.
    • Device (not yet “dut”) → Properties → General → Name: dut
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Ethernet addresses → IP protocol → IP address:
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Advanced options → Real time settings → IO cycle → Update time: 1ms
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Advanced options → Real time settings → Synchronization → RT class: IRT

  8. Add the modules to be used to the right slots in the Device View. Note: The modules used in this example project are fixed and be added automatically in the project.

  9. Go to: Device view → dut → Access and change it to “-” for all added modules, normally up slot1(not slot0).

  10. Connect in the “Topology view” the devices as following.

  11. Download the project in the CPU 1516.
  12. Check if the Error LED on the CPU 1516 is green (no errors) and nothing is blinking red, then go online in TIA Portal and check if everything is green.
  13. Go offline.

MRP Test Project

  1. Download the following project exampleTestProject_V16_MRP.7z and extract it.
  2. Open the folder “TestProject_V16_MRP then open “TestProject_V16_MRP.ap16”.
  3. Delete the old DUT from the new project.

  4. If the new device (dut) does not exist in the device catalog in TIA-Software, add it (General Station Description) as follows: go to Options → Manage general station description files (GSD), then choose the specific GSDML file and install it.

  5. Find the new device in the device catalog and build the “MRP setup”.
  6. Use Device Configuration Setup Tool from Hilscher to set the NameOfStation for all devices.

  7. Change the device name to “dut”, change the IP address to “”, change the cycle time to “1ms”, change the RT class to “RT”.
    • Device (not yet “dut”) → Properties → General → Name: dut
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Ethernet addresses → IP protocol → IP address:
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Advanced options → Real time settings → IO cycle → Update time: 1ms
    • dut → Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Advanced options → Real time settings → Synchronization → RT class: RT
    • dut→ Properties → General → PROFINET interface [X1] → Advanced options → Media redundancy → Media redundancy role and set it to “Client.

  8. Add the modules to be used to the right slots in the Device View. Note: The modules used in this example project are fixed and be added automatically in the project.

  9. Connect in the “Topology view” the devices as following.

  10. Download the project in the CPU 1516.
  11. Check if the Error LED on the CPU 1516 is green (no errors) and nothing is blinking red then go online in TIA Portal and check if everything is green.
  12. Go offline.

Automated RT (ART) Tester Project

  1. Start the ART Tester: Automated RT Tester.exe.
  2. Go to menu and click on: “file→new”. The project name will be fulfilled automatically with “Project_1". Click on “Next”.

  3. Choose your test network card (IF1) from the drop-down list. Click on “Next”.

  4. If the Power Outlet will not be used or not available, click on “Next”. Otherwise,  select the power outlet type and the network card connected to it. Click on “Next”.

  5. Click on “Get Mac Address” if the test setup is already done, or enter the MAC Address manually. Click on “Next”.

  6. Click on “Open GSD” and choose the GSDML file to be used in this project. Be careful and choose the correct DAP from the drop-down menu if more than one DAP existing, then choose the input and output modules and move them to the right side. Click on “Next”. Note: The used modules in this ART project are fixed and will be added automatically.

  7. Now the ART Tester opens and the testcases list appears to the left. Click on “Expand All” icon to see the single test cases. Now the test execution can be started with the different test setups.

Test Execution

Some test cases need a special test setup and/or special TIA Portal project. The complete test execution includes the following steps:

Standard Test Setup

Build the following Standard Test setup.

Note: If the DUT has one port, device “D” and “E” are switched off. For an automated test of the reporting system, device “D” is switched on and connected to device “B” (port 4).


    1. Take care that the Standard Setup is ok and the PLC Error LED is green. Nothing shall blink red.
    2. Uncheck all other testcases!
    3. Be sure, that the controller is off.
    4. Go to Manual Testcases → Standard Setup and activate “DCP_Signal”.
    5. Click on the “Start” green button.
    6. Check if a signalization on the device e.g., a LED is flashing with duration of 3 s with a frequency of 1 Hz (500 ms on, 500 ms off).

Checking of sending RTC frames by DUT

    1. Uncheck all other testcases!
    2. Be sure, that the controller is off.
    3. Go to Manual Testcases → Standard Setup and activate “Checking of sending RTC frames by DUT.
    4. Click on the “Start” green button.
    5. If the input data or data status from the DUT can be changed, e.g., via knobs, change the data and then click “yes”. Otherwise, click “no”.
    6. If possible, it is necessary to change the input values (cyclic data from device to PLC), if not, this testcase will result in a warning.

Manual FSU Testcase

    1. Uncheck all other testcases!
    2. Be sure, that the controller is off.
    3. Go to Manual Testcases → Standard Setup and activate “Manual FSU Testcase”.
    4. Click on the “Start” green button.
    5. This testcase is only possible, if the device has outputs. Otherwise, it will be automatically green.

Multiple IOC ARs with IRT

    1. Uncheck all other testcases!
    2. Check in the GSDML file, whether the DUT is an IRT device (SupportedRT_Classes="RT_CLASS_3")?
    3. Check in the GSDML, whether the value “NumberofAR” is bigger than 1?
      - If the device has only RT and/or 1 AR, start the test. The testcase will be green automatically.
      - If the device has IRT and more than 1 AR:
      1. Download the “Multiple IOC ARs with IRTTIA Portal project onto the PLC.
      2. Check if the Error LED of the PLC is green. Nothing shall flash red.
      3. Turn the PLC off.
      4. Start the test.

Standard Test

    1. Download the “Standard Test” TIA Portal project prepared above onto the PLC.
    2. Activate in Automated Testcases: “Standard Setup”.
    3. Activate Additional Testcase: “Standard Setup”, “Profiles” and “PROFIenergy”.
    4. Activate in Manual Testcases: “Standard Setup” → “Behavior of ResetToFactory (Manual)”.
    5. Uncheck all other testcases!
    6. Be sure, that the controller is on and no errors.
    7. Start the test (now it will take some hours).

Port to Port Test Setup

Build the following Port to Port Test setup. (No TIA Portal project is needed here).

  • Activate in Automated Testcases: “Port to Port”.
  • Uncheck all other testcases!
  • Start the test. It will take some minutes.

SysRed S2 Port to Port Test Setup

Build the SysRed S2 Port to Port Test setup. (No TIA Portal project is needed here).

Note: If the DUT has one port, only port 1 is connected to the test system (IF1).

  • Choose the correct network interface for the System Redundancy test as the following:

  • Activate in Automated Testcases: “SysRed S2 Port to Port”.
  • Uncheck all other testcases!
  • Start the test.

S2 Test Setup

Build the SysRed S2 Port to Port Test setup. (No TIA Portal project is needed here).

Note: If the DUT has one port, device “D” and “E” are switched off.

  • Activate in Automated Testcases: “S2 TestSetup”.
  • Uncheck all other testcases!
  • Be sure that the correct network interface for System Redundancy test is selected, as it described one step before.
  • Start the test.

non-Profinet-neighbor Test Setup

Build the following non-Profinet-neighbor Test setup.

Note: If the DUT has one port, this test shall be skipped, as it is identical to Standard Test setup.

  • Open the prepared Standard TIA Portal project and delete the device “D”. (Note: do not save the changes when you close the project).
  • Download the project onto the PLC.
  • Be sure that the PLC is OFF.
  • Do the first test with “Aruba” switch:
    1- Activate in Additional Testcase: “non-PROFINET-neighbor SetupTopology discovery check (Aruba)”.
    2- Uncheck all other testcases!
    3- Start the test. It takes several minutes.
  • Repeat the steps (1-3) for the “Cisco” switch:
    1- Activate in Additional Testcase: “non-PROFINET-neighbor SetupTopology discovery check (Cisco)”.
    2- Uncheck all other testcases!
    3- Start the test. It takes several minutes.
  • Repeat the steps (1-3) for both “Aruba” and “Cisco” switches. Note: It is not supported by Hilscher devices:
    1- Activate in Additional Testcase: “non-PROFINET-neighbor SetupTopology discovery check (Cisco + Aruba)”.
    2- Connect dut “P2” with Aruba “P1” and, if present, dut Pn with Cisco “P1”.
    3- Uncheck all other testcases!
    4- Start the test. The testcase will be skipped if the dut has only two ports.

MRP Test Setup

Build the following MRP Test setup and download the MRP TIA Portal project onto the PLC.

Note: If the DUT has one port, no MRP test is defined. This test can be skipped.

  • Activate in Additional Testcases: "Mrp Setup".
  • Uncheck all other testcases!
  • Start the test. This take some minutes.

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