PNS Certification Guides for Profinet Testbundle "2021-07-29_PN-test"

PNS Certification Guides for Profinet Testbundle "2021-07-29_PN-test"

1. Certification Guide from PI

PI North America provides a certification guide


All necessary information for a PROFINET certification are part of the PROFINET test-bundle. As a PI member, it is possible to download the PROFINET test-bundle at the following link:

PROFINET Test Bundle

2. Hilscher

Hilscher offers some precertification services to help netX customers finding and solving problems before going to the PI Test Lab.

Device testing & certification

The pretest is only for PROFINET. Special profiles like PROFIsafe, PROFIdrive, Encoder Profile, PROFIenergy or any other profiles cannot be pretested tested at Hilscher. After a Hilscher pretest a test in a PI Test Lab is necessary.

We recommend using the Hilscher service to save time and to avoid multiple test rounds at a PI Test Lab with high certification costs.

3. Correct Hardware Setup and correct use of test software

To start the PROFINET certification with positive test results a correct test setup with several expensive devices is necessary.

A wrong setup will create failed test results. It needs time to learn the correct using of the test software together with the correct test setup. Several testcases need a special test setup (correct cable length and correct used ports) and a special PLC configuration.

Here is a picture only of the needed PROFINET devices:

4. How does the Hilscher pre-certification process works.

  1. Order a pre-certification at Hilscher sales team.
  2. After sending the order for a pre-certification, a member from service takes a test term.
  3. Now send the netX based PROFINET Device and the GSDML to Hilscher. Do not wait for the test term because it is perhaps possible to start the test earlier.
    The test needs several days because some automated test tools needs much time and running sometimes overnight. It makes no sense, that a customer comes with his device to Hilscher.
  4. After start of the pre-test the test team stops the test, if an application problem creates to many problems. The test team will help to resolve the problems, and it is good to prepare an update guide for Hilscher.
    After update the device, the test can continue. It depends on the customer, how long it needs to fix the application problems.
  5. If the device application has not many problems, the test can be done completely.
  6. Several test rounds can be done to fix the application problems. But it is limited to a view retests because the test hardware resources are limited.

5. Hilscher Pretest report Example


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