IRT Test (Spirta)

IRT Test (Spirta)

Spirta Test Guide (Isochronous Real-Time Test)

Testbundle Info

The certification test by the Laboratory of the PI Organization is carried out according to the yearly updated testbundle, which contains the software, documents, and instructions required for the test. Also, for a certain testbundle there is a first and last day for the certification test application and a real stop for the certification. More information are listed in the following tables:

Spirta Test (device and controller)

Standard/Guideline (PNO/PI)

Electronic TCs
Tested functionalityStatusFirst day for application
for certification test (BOT)
Last day for application
for certification test (EOT)
Real stop for certification
(EOT + 6 months)

V2.4 MU2

V2.42 Jan. 2021

included in Test bundle July 2021

Spirta V2.42.0.0001

PNIO_Version V2.4, V2.41, V2.42


2021-07-302022-08-312023-02-28V2.4 / V2.41 / V2.42
PreviousV2.4 MU1V2.41 Jan. 2020included in Test
bundle May 2020
Spirta V2.41.0.0002PNIO_Version V2.35, V2.40, V2.41
 automated2020-05-132021-09-302022-03-31V2.35 / V2.4 / V2.41


  • Test PC (T): Windows 10® 64 Bit Professional, Version 20H2.
  • Network Interface (IF1): SIEMENS CP1616, MLFB 6GK1161-6AA02 network card connected to the PCI slot in the Test PC (T).

  • Optional: Power Outlet: Remote controlled power outlet with 8 sockets. NETPowerControl.

  • Device Under Test (DUT): The PN I/O device to be tested.
  • Power Supply (Input 230V AC/Output 24V DC), if it needed for the DUT.


  • Spirta V2.42.0.0001
  • Optional: Ethernet Device Configuration V1.0900.3.5506 or higher. Here is the download link for the tool: https://hilscher.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ETHDEVCFG/.
  • Optional: Notepad++ V7.9.5 or higher or comparable tool to open the GSDML file (if needed).


The test setup can be found in the document2021-07-29_PN-test/Testspec-PN_2572_V242_Jan21.pdf”. The following list clears the used components and their configurations in the test setup for Hilscher products:

  • DUT” : PROFINET Device to be tested (Device Under Test). NameOfStation “dut”, IP Address, Mask, Gateway
  • IF1”: The CP1616 network interface with the IP address:, Mask:
  • IF2”: The Power outlet network interface with the IP address:
  • G” : PROFINET cable with 10 m length.
  • Power outlet”: Remote controlled power outlet. IP Address with normally default username “admin” and password “anel”.
  • T”: IRT test system “Spirta” according to actual valid basic standards.
  • PS”: Power supply.


The information for the hardware, software, installation, and setup are available in the document “Testbundle 2021-07-29 Release\2021-07-29_PN-Test\PN-Test\Spirta_V2_42_0_0001.zip\Documents\Manial.pdf”.

  • If a CP1616 card is already present on your PC BIOS, disable it.
  • Plug the CP1616 card into a PCI slot on your Test PC, only a single CP1616 card.
  • Unzip the whole packet file “Testbundle 2021-07-29 Release\2021-07-29_PN-Test\PN-Test\Spirta_V2_42_0_0001.zip” to a disk, e.g., “C:\Spirta_V2_42_0_0001”.
  • Open the file “Testbundle 2021-07-29 Release\2021-07-29_PN-Test\PN-Test\Spirta_V2_42_0_0001\Install.bat” as administrator.
  • Windows Security message appears if no driver yet installed, press “Install this driver software anyway”.
  • If you have the problem that the loading of unsigned drivers is not allowed, enable test-signing boot configuration:
    • Run cmd.exe as administrator.
    • Write the command “bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING ON” and press enter.
    • Restart the PC.
    • Windows should be able to install the test-signed driver.
    • Note: This setting remains after OS restart (permanent).
  • Now the IRT test system (SPIRTA tester) is ready.

Test Execution

Build the following test setup:

  • Connect DUT P1 with the CP1616 P1 via 10 meter Ethernet cable.
  • Connect DUT P2 with the CP1616 P2 via 10 meter Ethernet cable.

Note: There is no one port Hilscher firmware for IRT devices.

Note: There is no Hilscher firmware for more than two ports devices.

  1. Go to the folder C:\Spirta_V2_42_0_0001\Spirtaand start the file “PRONETA.exe”.
  2. Click on “Spirta Module”.

  3. Click on “New Project” then create a new folder for the test, rename it e.g., “Spirta Test”.

  4. Click on “GSDML Import” then “Open GSDML”. Choose your Device Description file and click “Open”.

  5. If the GSDML file has more than one DAP, select the correct device from the drop-down list, then select (double-click or drag & drop) the I/O modules from the “Module list” to be inserted to the right side. If available, double-click on the submodules (needed in the used modules) from the “Submodule list”. Click on the green checkmark “Generate IRT planning” to save the project.
    Note: Fixed modules will be inserted automatically. In this example test, the I/O modules are fixed and there are no submodules.
    Note: It is possible to change the number of the slots/subslots by editing the particular cells in the table.
    Note: The added module/submodules can be deleted or edited (by double-click).

  6. The “General Setting” tab contains the setting for the Spirta IP, Spirta HW and the DUT. All values are set to default and no change is required.

  7. All testcases are visible in the Testcase Explorer and you can run a single testcase or more.
  •  For a single test right-click on the testcase to select an option (Run, Delete all logs or Repeat).

  • For a complete test, one click on the folder “Top” in the Testcase Explorer for (all testcases) then start the test with the “Run/Stop” icon. The test takes about 5 hours.

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