Motion Control

Motion Control

By combining real-time communication with motor control, Hilscher has entered the motion control market space with a single-chip solution that offers a range of technical and economic benefits, such as lower latency, higher efficiency, fewer external components, and faster time to market. The netX 90 in Motion, serving as the core of the netMOTION platform, is particularly well suited for space constraint applications in harsh industrial environments to equip electric motors or encoders directly with a multi-protocol network interface.

The advantages of such a solution are particularly evident in systems or machines with a centralized motion control approach, where drive-specific data and parameters are directly exchanged in real-time over the network with the communication unit of the drive that controls the motor. Over the years, various application profiles have emerged for the respective communication standards that focus on drives, encoders, motors, and their applications.

Communication Firmware

User Application

Software Ecosystem








PROFIdrive AC1/AC4

IEC 61800-7-203

Application software example for AC1/AC4

EtherCAT SubDevice


CiA 402

IEC 61800-7-201

Software example planned for end of 2024

EtherCAT SubDevice


SERCOS servodrive

IEC 61800-7-204


EtherNet/IP Adapter

CIP Sync

CIP Motion/Sync assisted motion

IEC 61800-7-202


The open-source software components for netX 90-based application developments offered by Hilscher are a collection of low-level peripheral drivers and software examples. To jumpstart the design and development of motion control applications, Hilscher has enhanced the open-source software ecosystem for the netX 90 with middleware and application software for PROFIdrive AC1 and AC4.



Note: For further information, please contact your Sales Representative.