PROFIdrive Application Class

PROFIdrive represents a manufacturer-neutral application profile for PROFINET. For further information, please visit the official website of the PI:

Among others, PROFIdrive AC1 and AC4 are popular application classes (AC) in the market for PROFINET that can be implemented on the netX 90. AC1, for example, is applied in inverters for the speed control of motors used in pumps, fans, compressors, and so on. On the other hand, AC4 includes the capability to drive servomotors with isochronous speed control and positioning by the PLC, for instance, multiple network-connected motors/axes in robotic systems or machines of all kinds.

The basis for the implementation builds the netMOTION Development Kit, which consists of complementary hardware, software, and tool components, including a guideline on How to get started with netMOTION.

The project delivery includes the: