Lauterbach Debug Probes
Lauterbach Debug Probes
Lauterbach Debug Controller
LA-3500 | PowerDebug Module USB 3.0 Universal debug controller with USB 3.0 for Windows/Linux/MacOSX applicable for all TRACE32 debug cables requires TRACE32 software DVD 2013/02 or newer | |
LA-3505 | PowerDebug PRO Ethernet Universal debug controller, 1 Gbit Ethernet and USB 3.0 (Windows/Linux/MacOSX) |
Lauterbach debug cable and license for netX 90
netX 90 has internal 2x cortex M4
netX 90 has an external 4bit trace port
LA7844 Debug Cable
To use the standard JTAG debugging features use the following license
LA-7844A | JTAG Debugger License for Cortex-M Add. supports ARM Cortex-M trace support ETM Cortex-M via ETB included please add the base serial number of your debug cable to your order | Use this license, if it is the first debugger license for that debug cable. |
LA-7844X | JTAG Debugger Extension for Cortex-M supports ARM Cortex-M trace support ETM Cortex-M via ETB included requires a valid software guarantee or a valid software maintenance key please add the base serial number of your debug cable to your order | Use this license, if a debug cable with a valid debugger license exists and this feature should be added |
To use the trace port you need either
This debug cable with probe should be used with a fast debugging interface. Either USB3.0 or 1GBit Ethernet. It is also possible to use it with the old USB2.0 debugging interfaces, but this may limit the possible trace features.
CombiProbe ARM-Debugger and 4-Bit Trace Debug cable and 128-MByte of trace memory Supports Standard-JTAG, cJTAG and Serial Wire Debug Port requires at least one of the following A-licenses: LA-7742A (JTAG Debugger License for ARM9 Add.) LA-7746A (JTAG Debugger License for ARM7 Add.) LA-7765A (JTAG Debugger License for ARM11 Add.) LA-7843A (JTAG Debugger License for CORTEX-A Add.) LA-7844A (JTAG Debugger License for CORTEX-M Add.) Trace support (up to 4-bit) included: - MIPI System Trace - ITM via Serial Wire Output/TPIU - ETM Cortex-M continuous mode via TPIU Supports the following trace licenses: LA-7970X (Trace License for the ARM Architecture) requires Power Debug Interface USB 2.0/USB 3.0, Power Debug Ethernet, PowerTrace, Power Debug II or Power Debug PRO |
This limits the debbuging to cortexM ONLY.
LA-4530 | uTrace for Cortex-M Supports Standard-JTAG and Serial Wire Debug Port for Cortex-M includes 256-MByte of trace RAM to support: - ITM via Serial Wire Output/TPIU - ETM Cortex-M continuous mode via TPIU (4-bit) Trace Streaming up to 100 MByte/s: - requires USB 3.0 (SuperSpeed) capable host computer - recommended is an Intel 7 Series Express chipset which has integrated USB 3.0 support Concurrent debugging of two or more Cortex-M cores requires a License for Multicore Debugging (LA-7960X) |
Lauterbach Trace license
Converter for existing ETM debugger hardware to connect to netX 90 with MIPI-20
LA-3770 | ARM Converter ARM-20 to MIPI-10/20/34 Converter to connect a Debug Cable to 10/20/34 pin connectors specified by MIPI. Converts to CombiProbe connector |
, multiple selections available,
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