RTOS on netX 90

RTOS on netX 90


Is there a recommended RTOS for netX90, and are there examples for RTOS available?


There are several ARM Cortex M4 compatible RTOS available in the market, however at this time Hilscher has limited experience with these.

Hilscher provides the CIFX-API and CIFX-Toolkit for developing the necessary drivers for your chosen RTOS. More information on the CIFX-API and CIFX-Toolkit can be located here: https://hilscher.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=80907365


For FreeRTOS, Hilscher has the following examples:

netX RTOS Examples - netX RTOS Examples - Knowledgebase (hilscher.com)

For FreeRTOS related questions, you may ask for help and further information in their community forums:


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